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Asking a girl out a second time...womans advice needed.

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OK, long story short, I asked this girl out at work. She's a nurse. When I asked her out I had been on a few dates with someone else from work, but I was gonna end it because I wasn't really interested. Anyways when I asked this nurse out she said yes we had made plans to figure things out the next time I got back to work(what and where we're were going). When I got back somebody had talked to her cause she said she didn't think it's a good idea to date at work, I just said thats cool and left it alone. The other girl was kinda mad and wouldn't talk to me for a while.


OK so thats the back story. The girl I had dated is now seeing somebody and doesn't seem to be mad anymore, and were all cool. Now the nurse that I liked, I get along again with her, we are friendly with each other again but I'm more confused than ever. An example would be she came to ask me to do something for her the other day, and I just commented on how I would do anything for her and that I have all the time in the world for her, which got me a smile. So anyways, I just sent a bunch of flowers to our work anonymously from me, I figure she may know who there from but I plan on keeping it a secret for now.


So was this a stupid move on my part or how would some of you woman perceive this and how should I procede?? I mean do you think I could possibly have a second chance. Would it be dumb to ask her again or should I learn from the first time, I think persistance may be a good thing, but I'm not sure?? I gave this a couple months before I decided to make a move again.

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You made a bad move of sending flowers anonymously, for one if she had a crush on another guy, then she might of thought those were from him. You should of put something that could give a hint that they where from you, but don't be selfish and put "From: Paul" or something...put like a little note that is saying is from you, like..."I would love to go out with you again" or something like that, since you ask her out before, she knows whos it from.


Good Luck.

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Well the thing is I never got to go out with her the first time because of the other girl and whatever she said.


Basically when I go back to work next week and I see her, I will ask her if the flowers were nice, but not directly admit to it I think. Maybe just mention "I wonder who they were from?" with a wink or something like that so she knows where they came from.


Hey it seems cheesy, but sometimes cheese works right?? at least I hope so.

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ok...well basically what I have done is get a Hallmark. I'm gonna put a note in it saying the flowers are from me, and that I am still interested. I will give it to her personally, and not leave on car window or something stupid like that, so it doesn't look stalkerish.


I have heard a few comments from people at work and it is kinda funny. She phoned the flower company to find out who it was from and they told her it was from a Natalie. So now she's saying she has a lesbian stalker..lol. But seriously she asked one of my co-workers if I sent it, so I think she may know but I'm not 100% sure. I haven't been to work yet since.


After I give her the card and she has a chance to read it I will ask her out again so hopefully it goes well.

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