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i dunt no how to flirt! and i want him to no but im shy too!


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heyy..ok well the first day of skewl was today and im in grade 9 now..i went out with this guy for the first 2 weeks of the summer..but we neevr even got to talk or see eachother tho whole time cuz he was away..but yah..i really liked him and i guess he kinda liked me..cuz he went out wiht my when my friend asked him if he wud..well he dumped me a day after he got home cuz sum of his friends told him i cheated on him ..but i didnt ..im not sure if thats really y he dumped me but i think it is..so yah he is in my class and i sit behind him in like 2 subjects..and well today he talked to me alot..and i liek him again..he is kinda shy tho..like he dutn really flirt that much and he dunt go out wiht gurls that much either...so im kinda lost on wat to do..i want to flirt with him but i dunt really no how..like wat kinds of things shud i do and say for him to maybe notise that i like him or thta im flirting with him..?? can neone tell em sum things that mite help..or explain if they r in situations liek this?

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yeah if your ever like talking to him in hallway or something touch him lighty but dont all over him because that will give the sign that your to clingy...and if you see him staring @ you..look @ him then smile and look away that allways works for me oh an danother thing if yall r walking together ans talking then jokingly slightly push him away....but like dont oush so he falls over and dont push to hard or he might get the wrong the worng idea and do it when like he just made a joke or somthing of that nature....



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