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Franchises - anyone own one?


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Hi ENA - I have been thinking of purchasing a Franchise. The most that I could get out of the corporate office was their consolidated financial statements - this does not show the profitability of any one store. They are not allowed to disclose this because the profitability of each store has many things that it is dependent upon.


Does anyone on here own one? Is it profitable? It seems with all the royalty fees and franchising fees - that it wouldn't be very profitable.

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That's tough to get an accruate amount how profitable it is..


Really Dep on location and how many clients u have and how often..


U would almost need to build a clientele then u could fig out the rates..


Have to remember economy is tuff so not a lot of people might opt for doggie day care. Rather leave them with family or friends..


I knew someone who tried the mobile doggie groomer.. went under in 3 months not enough costumers..

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Doggie day care.


Is it really worth getting a Doggie day care franchise? What perks are they offering? Why not go on your own?


Usually one of the biggest reasons why you'd choose to be part of a franchise over doing it yourself is for brand recognition. Subway, for example, will bring in a bigger customer base than a random sandwich shop. Personally? I can't think of a single Doggie Day care franchise name.


Most reputable franchise operators will allow you to interview existing franchisees. Ask to interview and existing franchisee.

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I have been trying to do this on my own. I am having trouble finding a property, so I thought it would be easier to go with the franchise - they do most of the prework for you. There are only a 120 or so of the one I was looking to buy spread out through the US. They will let me interview current Franchisee's but i'm not sure at what point I can do that - if it is before or after I pay for the franchise license.


I know the economy is bad - but the doggie daycare that I use is always packed with dogs.

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They really can't tell you the profitability, because it is store specific, and dependent on how well, or poorly, the store is managed. Many, many things go into this, including location, staffing, local demographics, product, competition, etc.


I would say the most profitable franchises I've ever seen have been fast food. I wouldn't think something like dog day care requires national brand recognition to be successful.

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They really can't tell you the profitability, because it is store specific, and dependent on how well, or poorly, the store is managed. Many, many things go into this, including location, staffing, local demographics, product, competition, etc.


I would say the most profitable franchises I've ever seen have been fast food. I wouldn't think something like dog day care requires national brand recognition to be successful.


I agree, I probably don't need the franchise. I am going to investigate doing this all on my own.

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I agree, I probably don't need the franchise. I am going to investigate doing this all on my own.


Right on. Unless you're opening up a Burger King or KFC, the value of a franchise is lost. You're much better off doing your own dog day care. This way you can fully personalize it, set your own rates, offer your own specials, apply your own rules...

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