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On Drunk texting...

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Hi guys! In your honest opinion is it bad to text drunk?!? I honestly just want to say hi. But i do miss hi and cant stop obsessing about how we were SOO awesome together, most especiallythe chemistry ;D cheers!


Well u should by all means drunk text. It shall make u feel like crap and feeling like crap is what will sober u up in the end so by all means, drink and text

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I have been drunk-texting but I knew when I sent the text I could also wait for one more day and send the text...Most important I knew already I could handle all kinds of responses from her. I just felt that moment was the right moment to do it. I got a response...14 days later...we talked, it was nice and she defo hasnt given up on me based on what she said...well until she once again did one of her disappearing-stunts

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I just had a buddy who got some very explicit drunk texts from a girl he barley knew over 8 months ago this past weekend and his current girlfriend saw them. Talk about an issue this has created. He didn't start them, hadn't spoken to her in 8 months and she was suppose to be engaged too boot. Needless to say now my buddy is in hot water with his GF and by no fault of his own. So I guess what I'm saying is you need to think about what you send, when and to whom as it can cause a lot of grief intentionally or unintentionally.


His girlfriend refuses to believe his was innocent of anything and by what the texts said it's hard not to blame her. She was apparently drunk and has some big time emotional issues but she has caused a happy couple some severe pain for whatever her selfish reasons were for sending those texts. My advice is don't so it. Rarely does it work out well.

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Fool! Fool! Fool! I feel so foolish!


No, I didn't send any drunk txt messages, but I initiated an email asking how his 2-day event was going. It was a 1-line email, and he replied with more than a paragraph. I was exhausted from my weekend but I wanted to hear more from him so I asked to tell me about his out-of-town trip with his family about a month ago. So far, nothing. NOW, I've only created angst. Ugh. What a foolish move!


Alright. I answered my own question. NEVER EVER LISTEN TO MY ID when drunk. SEND NO TXT NOR EMAIL TO EX. There is a GOOD REASON THAT we are no longer together. Fawk man. I feel like an idiot. Yes, you can say, "i told you so." I am rolling my eyes and swearin to burn off this feeling. Such a stupid move. Sht.

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I keep my phone far from me when I am drunk and alone so there's no one to stop me. I never called or texted drunk the last years. I used to when I was younger...


However, when I called my ex one week after bu, I had to drink before doing this. I wasn't drunk and I didn't said anything "drunk", I just needed some guts to do it.

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