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Any tips on how to accept your friends/lovers flaws and all!


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FathomFear: Have you been able to apply this to your life as well? Seems totally relatable.


None the less I'll always be sad to let go of my fairytale dreams of the perfect guy and the perfect relationship and the perfect feelings! As well as friends who are always true, always there, etc

The only guarantee in life is change and there is no such thing as perfect anything.

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I have had two perfect friends most of my life. They have never NOT been there for me and vice versa. We accept each other totally and always have each others' backs. We have been friends for over 30 years, so I know perfect friendships DO happen. The perfect guy? I'm not perfect so if he accepts my little faults, I am more than happy to acccept his. The only things I will not tolerate are smoking, drinking, drugs, or physical abuse. Lying about big things is in there, also. Anything else is negotiable.

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I was raised in a home where my father was an abusive alcoholic. I drink very seldom, if at all. Say, once or twice a year I will have a glass of wine. I never tell anyone they can't drink, that is controlling, but I let people know I despise the smell of alcohol and I hate what it does to people. Most of my relationships in the last twenty years have been with nondrinkers.

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Interesting, and very healthy. I probably average a drink a week, but then again, I enjoy clubs, bars, socializing in those places, etc. However, I've never really been around alcoholics, and was raised with the "European" view of things, which doesn't hold alcohol in the forbidden fruit light. So, I look it as a social thing. I also have friends who smoke hookah (flavored, water-pipe tobacco) and enjoy that as well. I'll have the occasional cigarette too, maybe a few a year. Moderation for me, is the key to enjoyable life. But, different strokes. I completely understand your view on alcohol though, if abused it can be disastrous for the user and those around them. In terms of overall health though, you can't go wrong with avoiding drugs, tobacco, etc.

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