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something strange?

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alright, the other day while i was in the shower i noticed that i had a few white looking bumps around the base of my penis.

now, i'm no health expert but could this be a sign of herpes?

the bumps have been there quite awhile (probably since i was 13, i'm 16 right now)

and before someone asks- no, i have never had sex

but i do masturbate from time to time.


all help appreciated

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Same situation as you bro. I've never had sex, only made out once before with a girl... I got really scared thinking I had an STD. So I went on the internet to look about it. In about 10 minutes of looking I found something called "white pearly papules". So I did a google image search and it looked like what I had.... Its totally normal I believe, but I dunno if they'll ever leave. Hope I helped, b/c i was scared sh!tless when i saw them on me!

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's normal. If you've never had sex before, it's not an STD. "Papules" is another name for pimple. If you're still growing pubic hair, which everyone of us is, they are probably just ingrown hairs. Or regular old pimples. I woudn't worry about it.


Unless those bumps are accompanied by a burning sensation during urination, or an intense itching, they are just pimples.

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