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When does the 'fog' start to lift??

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ninja- I am so sorry that has happened to you. Heartbreak is so awful, but when coupled with abuse, well i just can;t imagine. To me you sound so strong and to be talking the way you are in week 3 is incredible.

I have made a vow to myself with NC. If he were to ever contact me, it may be a different story, but i would certainly seek advice before rushing to answer. I want to talk to him, to be close to him, but i know if i did i would be so annoyed at myself. I am also waiting for counseling and hope it won't be too much longer.

I know what you mean about avoiding things we did as a couple. We used to enjoy watching true blood together, and after the breakup i thought watching an episode of the new season every week would cheer me a little - once i heard the theme tune i had to turn it off immediately, i couldn't handle it. I don't have heaps of friends atm, so life can certainly be lonely at times but i try to see them regularly. The desire to jump into another relationship is sometimes overwhelming with me, its all i'm used to. But I know your right, I need to heal properly or history will repeat itself.


Thank you so much for the advice

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