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Need some ideas/help with my TA


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Hey all. I have an awesome teachers assistant in one of my classes. A sweet and smart chick. I'd love to get her number and/or ask her to hang out, but I don't really know a good way to make a conversation with her. Only conversation i can do is class related. I could possibly go to her office hours for "help" in the class, but then i don't want to seem dumb pretending i don't understand class material haha. Another thing, i could just come up and ask for her number, but again, if shes not really up for that then i just made it somewhat awkward situation as shes my TA. As of now, best i came up with is asking her end of semester so worst case nobody would feel awkward. I might be overthinking this, that is why i'm here for your awesome advice! Btw, were about same age i'm sure.



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I think asking her out while she's still your TA would put her in a very uncomfortable position, don't you think?


I know that at my university, TAs are specifically forbidden from dating undergrads while they are still "teaching" them. And even if there's no specific rule against it at your school, I think it would make her look bad if she dated someone that she's also supposed to be grading, you know?


So whatever you do, definitely do not do it while she is still your TA. I would go to her office hours, even if it's just for a small question here or there. Or you could just ask to review some material if there's an exam/quiz coming up. It wouldn't make you look stupid, it would make you look like a good student.

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Don't even think of that. Almost all the schools have strict guidelines when it comes to TA/Student interactions. Its is "unethical" for TAs to engage students in activities other than instruction. Bunch of my friends are in a grad school and currently working as a TA. Believe me, they always complain that some of their students hit on them. And they take it seriously, some of them have complained to school authorities.


That said its totally up to you. If she doesn't mind then you've got a chance. Else you might land in a big trouble.

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It is okay to ask her questions here and there to make sure she knows who you are. If you want to ask her out, you will have to wait until she is no longer your teaching assistant and won't be for the foreseeable future (she graduates and moves on, or you are finished with classes in that particular subject matter or department.) I still wouldn't ask her out at the end of the semester per se, i would keep it academic related and tell her about a play you are in, or a performance, or if its an art class, tell her that a bunch of you are doing to this event, and that gives you an opportunity to see her out of class. Then you can find out more about her, whether she has a boyfriend, married,etc.

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Oh i totally understand what all of you are saying. I just assumed there are no "written" rules bout TA and student interactions. Yeah, it's a psychology class, and i'm chemistry major, just an elective so after this class i wont be in any other psychology class ever again!

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Oh i totally understand what all of you are saying. I just assumed there are no "written" rules bout TA and student interactions. Yeah, it's a psychology class, and i'm chemistry major, just an elective so after this class i wont be in any other psychology class ever again!


But she is your TA at the end of the day. And if she takes up the matter with authorities then you will definitely regret.

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But she is your TA at the end of the day. And if she takes up the matter with authorities then you will definitely regret.
Quick correction, shes my TA till the end of the semester. Unless, you're saying that interactions between TAs and students are not allowed in general? Would I be ok asking her out once the course is over?
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Once the semester is over, you should be okay to ask her out as far as university policy is concerned (I would do your research first, though!). But that doesn't mean she'll be comfortable with it. She still has to know your name and feel chemistry with you to actually go out with you. So you'll have to develop a rapport with her (platonically) during the semester before you should even consider asking her out once it's over.

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Once the semester is over, you should be okay to ask her out as far as university policy is concerned (I would do your research first, though!). But that doesn't mean she'll be comfortable with it. She still has to know your name and feel chemistry with you to actually go out with you. So you'll have to develop a rapport with her (platonically) during the semester before you should even consider asking her out once it's over.


I do understand that! I will do what you've suggested and show my face during her office hours before an exam and ask a question or two. That's what i meant, i cant really interact with her on a personal level she wont know me as anything else besides a student. Whole point of this thread was suggest ideas how should i get to know her little more. I don't want to pretend not understanding something, and i also don't want to be looked at as a brown-nosing student hoping for some lenience on grading. Btw, she does know my name, found that out last class when she was handing out papers, so that's a start. Thanks for pitching ideas folks!

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