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The small complimenting words and their meaning


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I thought this would be a cool topic to post, the different interpretations of common complimenting words we.


Lets see what the ladies\gents opinions are on the below and their meaning:











Please add some if I forgot any other common ones

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Sweet: Girls use this frequently it general means 'cool' or another way of telling a guy 'your too nice to be my boyfriend!'


Cute: If a girl thinks your 'cute' then the chances are that she fancies you. A person who's cute has some overwhelming attractiveness about them that a girl/boy can't help but notice.


Cool: I guess someone who is 'cool' is in with the 'in' crowd and has the respect and jealousy from peers. However, cool can also be another way of saying ok or just a way of saying your happy with a certain situation.


Nice: Is this a word? I think this word is used to often and generally ends up having no meaning at all. Someone who is described as 'nice' of the opposite sex is someone who is perceived to be 'ok' and maybe someone who you'd want to settle down with.


Hot: If your called hot by someone then they fancy you. This person is really attractive and you would do anything to be with them.


Adorable: I guess this means being someone really great, again I think girls tend to use this word a lot IMO. Someone who you really like and maybe you have a crush on.


Hope this isn't too much! lol

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I am going to explain what I mean when I say the words listed below...my opinions could be different though.


sweet: one of those guys who really listen to you, instead of stare at your chest. maybe dateable, if he isn't too sweet.


cute: if i call someone cute, it doesn't mean i have a crush on them. it means they're cute in the little kid way. if i have a crush on them i say they're sexy, or hot...not cute. (little kid word )


cool: i like them as friends, fun to hang out with. someone funny.


nice: *pukes* i dont like this word, i dont use it. ever.


hot: meaning they are physcially attractive and i have the 'fancy' for them.



adorable: referring to a little kid, or something else. not a male/female...


remember just my opinion. thanks!



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if i call someone cute, it doesn't mean i have a crush on them. it means they're cute in the little kid way. if i have a crush on them i say they're sexy, or hot...not cute. (little kid word )


I think it's interesting what you've said because I would have never thought cute had so little meaning. Anyone else got an opinion?

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I am going to explain what I mean when I say the words listed below...my opinions could be different though.


sweet: one of those guys who really listen to you, instead of stare at your chest. maybe dateable, if he isn't too sweet.


cute: if i call someone cute, it doesn't mean i have a crush on them. it means they're cute in the little kid way. if i have a crush on them i say they're sexy, or hot...not cute. (little kid word )


cool: i like them as friends, fun to hang out with. someone funny.


nice: *pukes* i dont like this word, i dont use it. ever.


hot: meaning they are physcially attractive and i have the 'fancy' for them.



adorable: referring to a little kid, or something else. not a male/female...


remember just my opinion. thanks!




i completely agree

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Sweet: Used to discribe an favorable action, giving flowers or helping out, or to desicribe a guys personality


Cute: The girl likes the guy, but not a hole lot, or is used to discribe something like a puppy or cat


Cool: The girl thinks its "in" or its acceptable by her or ok by her


Nice: A step up from thank you or simular type of responses or it can be used a negative for an unfavorable action


Hot: Girl likes the guy a lot phyiscally


Adorable: See cute


This what I think what these words mean when not used by defintion terms and when girls either say the words to me or around me. Interesting question anyway.

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So then girls if you like a guy which word(s) from the previous list would you tell him to his face.


But funnily enough is so true most girls prefer a bad boy instead of a sweet boy aka nice guys.


The adventure of taming the Tiger I suppose.

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Sweet: What a guy says when he really means thank you.


Cute: When he is too shy to talk, so you have to start the conversation.

Also the way he walks, smiles, and says Please gum girl?


Cool: If you happen to acciedently humiliate urself, and the guy realizes you are imbarrested, comes in and takes all the humiliation for you. Can make you laugh.


Nice: Is always letting you go 1st, talks nice to you, repects you.


Hot: When the gum, or mint you give him is too hot for him to handle.


Adorable: When he ask for gum he has this face that is you cant say no to.

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when and how I would use these words to describe a girl, and what I mean when I do



Sweet: when I describe someone is sweet, she is just genuinly nice and I find her pleasant to be around. not neccessarily attraction.


Cute: I would use this word for someone I'm interested in, especially in the initail stages. cute mostly has to do with appearance, like if she's pretty in a way that I dig


Cool: doesn't have much meaning when I use it


Nice: it can have no meaning, but it can also be the word I use when I'm trying to pretend I don't care about someone


Hot: sexually appealing, but in an impersonal way. nothing more than eye candy, I wouldn't use it to describe someone I'm interested in.


Adorable: one step up from cute, includes personality with looks and just the way she talks, moves, etc. depends how I say it, it can mean I just think they're adorable in a lovely way, or it can mean I am extremely interested in a long term sense


Fine: I don't use that word. it kind of feels disrespectful to describe a girl as fine. I dunno.


my 2 cents

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  • 1 year later...

Sweet: I might be interested in them.

Cute: I think that something is adorable about them, but not really an indicator that I am interested.

Cool: I really like talking to them, and they are a good friend...not any type of interest.

Nice: I respect them. Not an indicator of anything.

Hot: Find them extremely physically attractive...definetly would at least date them if I told them they were this.

Adorable: Same as cute.

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What about gorgeous? People always describe me as gorgeous... And im wondering if thats like, a good thing or a bad thing or what XD


Sweet: Depends... not really anything to do with if I like them or not, but i'll be like, you're so sweet if the guy does something really nice, like lend me his jacket on a cold night or shoes if I dont have any or whatever, lol. Usually being called "sweet" is on the way to being called hot lol


Cute: Attractive, but i'm not *attracted* to them in a i'd-like-to-go-out-with-you sense. But in a hook-up, no-strings-attached sort of thing, hey, why not? lol


Cool Someone with a personality that I just generally get along with really well; find them funny and easy to talk to, etc. Like, "that guy at the party the other night was so cool!"


Nice Same as sweet, except sweet is more i'm probably starting to fall in like with them, while nice is starting to fall in friendship with em


Hot god DAMN you are excruciatingly fine Hot coupled with sweet/cool or something else basically = hell yes i'll go out with you lol


Adorable Something i'd use to describe like... a little kid or fluffy animal or something. Definatley not someone i'd be attracted to

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Sweet: It's not a good term for me. I usually use the word "sweet" to describe a girl when I cannot find anything really good to say about her. BUT, different matter altogether if used in the context "That's SOOOO sweet!" (esp by a girl) It means that you genuinely touched her.


Cute: Initial attraction from first impressions. Just a favourable first impression here. But not much potential of getting together.


Cool: Nothing much.


Nice: "Nice" per se means nothing. But it must be differentiated with "Very Nice". When a girl says that someone is a "very nice guy" it usually means that there is interest beyond physical attraction.


Hot: Superficial attraction. Potential of getting together.


Adorable: A stronger compliment than "cute". But also based on first impression. But this is not indicative that he/she wants to enter into a relationship with you.

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