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hi so there is this girl i have been friends with for ages. and in that time i have been in love with her. shes is/was like my best friend aswell. we had a good friendship going. it was great even after we broke up the first time. she could tell me anything and vice versa we went out before but it was arqurawrd so she broke up with me.

that hurt alot. but i got over it and said i had got over her and could just be friends. i hadnt and she got a bf. so that hurt alot but after 4 mnths it wasnt workin so he dumped her.


so after that we got really close went out everyday with each other tickled each other n stuff so i asked her out she said yes but 2 weeks later said she wasnt ready for another bf.


so we argued and stuff. but i dont get why a friend so close to me would hurt me like this. so she said she wants to sill be friends but what do i do i whant more she said i have a chance whens shes ready and i told her if she got a bf that wasnt me it would be too much for me and we couldnt be friends. at first she phoned me and asked if we could be friends when i said no she bursrt into tears and was really hurt. but i dont know what to do shall i be friends withh her?



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I dont understand why girls and guys cant just be friends even if one of them fancies the other. I`m friends with guys I fancy who dont fancy me (and go out with my friends). Is`nt it better to be their friend than having nothing at all??? I hate the fact that because she wont or is`nt ready to go out with you, you dont want to be her friend. Do you want to loose that friendship? Or were you just being friends because you liked her? Okay I think I`m a bit biased. I have very few guy mates because they all turned away from me when I would`nt go out with them! That hurt! She's your friend and althought she's hurting you now, it would hurt way more if she went out with you because she did`nt want to hurt you, felt she could`nt say no etc. At the end of the day it would be a empty relationship, which would prob fail. Stay friends with her. You never know it might hit her that she does like you, with friends its very difficult to distinguish friendship from something more. If you stop being friends you`ll not only loose a friend, but also a chance of maybe going out with her.

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So it's either your boyfriend and girlfriend or nothing? I don't think that's very fair...You said that she's your bestfriend, which means your probably one of hers. And she may not be emotionally ready to be in a relationship.

I don't think it's right to make her lose her best friend because she doesn't want to go out with you. If you give up on her now, you may never have the chance to have something more with her.


Give her time.

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