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Can Prenuptual Agreements and Love Coexist?

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What are your personal feelings about Prenuptual Agreements? Do they interfer/contradict any thoughts or theories that you have about love? If so why?


I believe in prenuptual agreements because you agree to a set of rules before hand no matter the outcome neither party is taken advantage of. A prenuptual agreement also gives couple the opptunity to explore their true intentions with the future of the relationhip. I also believe that the prenup takes away incentive for one party to take advantage of the other.


I would like to see a wide variety of opinions on this topic, thank you in advance for your cooperation



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I think they are good.


For one, I think it shows that both partners are going into the relationship realizing it is a partnership - and there is more to it than love and a lifelong honeymoon.


That while no one intends to go into marriage with plans to divorce (at least most don't!) it DOES happen.


Sure it is a subject hard to broach when you are in the stages of planning a wedding, but I really think that getting married is more than a commitment to your love - the prenup allows for honesty, clarity, and shows one another that you are, even in a split, respecting the other person, etc. I think it shows a bigger sign of your love to agree to one than to not to be honest.


I guess personally, I have just never seen the reason NOT to have one, other than it might take some of the shine of the ideal of romantic love..but I think that people should go into marriage totally aware of one another's finances, goals, etc as well and that it is about more than just pure love - too many people seem to enter marriage TOTALLY unprepared but do it because they love the other person. Love is of course very important and the all important bond, but sometimes you need more than that to make a marriage work No, they do not contradict love.

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I think they're good because there's a lot more that goes into the union than just the two people involved. For instance, I know my father has worked hard to earn the money he's made-- he had three bleeding ulcers and two heart problems that required extended hospitalization from the stress from his job. And I know I'm going to inherit the product of his all hard work one day and I want to protect his honor and pride with a prenup so that someone, who may not appreciate all his hard work and dedication like I do, can't take it away if I make the wrong decision on a mate.


And everybody makes wrong decisions in their life- it's human. And often we're blind to incompatibilities until its too late, and people in love can be blind to other people's faults. But a lot more than just two individuals go into a marriage... it's two whole families merging into one family and it's important to preserve both side's honor, hard-work, and dedication that is passed on to you.

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Personally I couldnt care either way. In wouldnt choose to have one but if the girl I was with wanted to get one then it wouldn't bother me in the slightest


I can understand the reasoning behind it, and I dont think wanting one means you have any less faith in the longevity of the relationship, it just means that you acknowledge the possibility that something could happen.


The future is completely uncertain and there is nothing wrong with covering your a**. But as I said, I wouldn't choose to get one myself.

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I didn't really used to have an opinion, but after watching my coworker's wife go clinically mad, put them hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt behind his back, kick him out of the house with a duffel bag and start selling his belongings as soon as the locks were changed...you know, maybe there's a reason they exist. In fact, maybe separate bank accounts are a good idea...separate houses, even....

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  • 1 year later...

I believe in prenups as long as its fair. I didn't believe in them until I watched a TV show recently on divorced women (suze ormon show). Holy smokes ... I didn't realize some women can be that vicious. They just didnt seem to care about the ex husband, all they cared about was money, house and how to strip the guy off it. Lets be honest more than 50% of marriages will fail.

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I'm on my 2nd marriage and didn't have a pre-nup either time.


If I ever got married a 3rd time, I would, as I would wish to protect my daughter's interest and make sure she would receive some inheritance. This was not an issue when I married before, as I had her with my current (2nd) wife.


I have an open mind about them but, for me, the main issue is protecting any children in later marriages.

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