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Work Frustration?


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Sorry not quite sure where to post this!! To keep it short, I work in the possibly most frustrating work place, I love the work, its the current people that I work with that are driving me insane, one being the bosses son!!


Basically every single job lands back on my desk to be completed regardless of who it was given too along with alot more thing thats I wont go into because I could write a book on it.


Expressing this to my Boss does nothing, he is weak and pathetic when it comes to being authority to men, even his son, so he promises everything will change, but its all empty words and nothing is ever said to my co-workers.


Its leaving me soooo frustrated and angry and im trying to stop talking about it once I leave because im tired of talking negative all the time and im sure everyone listening to me is aswell!!


Just wondering if anyone feels like this too and any suggestions for how to release all this built up anger and frustration because it has slowly been coming out when I drink to the people I love and I really dont want to be like that!


There is a light at the end of the tunnel, with the fact that I am saving to go to Australis, but to keep me sane until then, any help would be appreciated

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