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Issues with girls and their weight

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I never really understood this throughout the years...but why do even the "average" or thin girls have an issue with their weight. For example my girlfriend is 5'6 118-120 lbs and she thinks she's fat and I always tell her that she isn't.. I dunno it just puzzles me.



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It is a current cultural norm that "beauty" is a women who is of a certain weight.


It is of interest to note that this has not always been the case. In the 1700's it was Men for example who wore makeup. Women were considered beautiful if they were more "buxom" or what we would call today slightly "plump".


Beauty is always in the eye of the beholder. Due to our bombardment of the media, (in all forms), we have more of shared idea of what is suppose to be attractive accross various cultures.


Further, to some greater or lesser degree, Western women I believe are conditioned to "Attract" a man with her "charms". This is the cultural "feminine" aspect of our collective conditioning. To attract a man, then the woman wants to be beautiful. What is beautiful? What is beautiful is what attracts a man and we are bombarded with the "Proto-type" of that everywhere we look.




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ok music guy this could be one of 2 things # 1 ur gurl friend doesn't have alot of self confidence or she is just fishing for compliments, if i were u i would say fishing for compliments b/c i am 5'5 and 118 plb and i do that all the time...she says something about her that you think is untrue and she is saying that because she wants you to tell her that she is beutiful and she wants to feel good about herself and she will by u telling her that when ever she says somthing like that...here's a hint for all you guys...if a gurl u kno is always putting herself down about something compliment over and over again....but to answer your first question with out getting off subject gurls are think this because they are under constant peer presure from class mates and also from what is promoted on tv with skinny models in maginzes and actresses and actors on tv they feel like they are ugly so they are constanly putting there self down b/c of that b/c they feel like they are not good enough




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From a personal perspective, I just want to give my guy everything that I feel he deserves. He's an amazing man, and I feel that he deserves a beautiful woman- inside and out. I've got the inside covered.... Hehehe... And it's not always about weight, per say. That's just how it gets expressed. I haven't ever really cared about my weight until very recently. I never exercised and I didn't pay attention to my diet. But I always feel so low on energy, and I'm starting to feel like my whole body is put together wrong. At first I was thinking, "I'm so fat and ugly". But now I realize that I just need to take better care of myself, and if I can whip my butt into shape in the process, why not do it?

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I never really understood this throughout the years...but why do even the "average" or thin girls have an issue with their weight. For example my girlfriend is 5'6 118-120 lbs and she thinks she's fat and I always tell her that she isn't.. I dunno it just puzzles me.




Maybe she is fat or she feels that she is fat because she could be a bit harder. I see people with low bodyweights all the time that are fat. You don´t have to be big to be fat.


OR, your girlfriend maybe just want to hear you say that she looks good!

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