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Something to know- (Guys)

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This post is to inform you about something guys. NEVER Give a girl money as a precent. Specially as an apology one. (Exept if youare from and are living in Japan) I made that mistake with a girl I really liked for 2 years! Now she can't even see me and I can hardely look at her. So just to be informedd guys. Don't do it, it will go BAD. Exept if she asks you to let her have some money, thats different!!

I hope you guys think about this, and replay as much as you want!-

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NEVER Give a girl money as a precent. Specially as an apology one. (Exept if youare from and are living in Japan)
My step-dad's family's from Japan. They don't do that. It's not a custom to do so as an apology. What does being Japanese or living in Japan have anything to do with this?
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Guys..i bet you have always wondered how to get a girl to be interested in you..well..here is the real deal..

Your image and your behavior gives off alot..like if you were a guy who dresses in gothic outfits, girls who like nice sensitive guys will most probably not look your way . If you are looking for a girl who is smart and sensitive, you should dress and act that way in order to let her see you are both similar . I know that most people say that opposties attract, but that kind of attraction fades quickly, and when that passion fades, both of you are going to be bored with each other because you are so different..you'll have no idea what the other person is talking about . What i'm saying is that no matter how tempting it might be to go for the "opposites attract", in the end girls want guys who they can talk to about anything, guys who know and appriciate what they are about 8) .

Of course you have to see what kind of girl she is, then work from there. If she's smart and sophisticated, you shouldn't act like an idiot..and if she has a strong personality, don't try to show-off and act all tough when she's around..

Believe me, girls can see right through guys..so if you want her to fall for you, try finding your similarities and work from there.. DON'T EVER TRY TO GET HER ATTENTION IN STUPID WAYS(like yelling, or making fun of someone), or else she'll want to ignore you even more.

Just make her feel like you really care and want to know her. Make her feel like you appriciate her existence and that she's one of a kind . Guys feel this way too..which shows you we are all people in the end..we all have feelings. We laugh , cry , fall in love , and get angry .

In the end we are all the same, treat her in a way that you want her to treat you.. 8)

True happiness is the conviction that we are all loved
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Well I usually hate it when people assume common sense, but I thought that was common sense.


Ever see the episode of Sienfield where Jerry gives Elane cash. You shouldn't even do it to close friends let alone someone you really like.



Hah, that was a hilarious episode. Jerry gives elane like 140 dollars. One of my favorite episodes.




Well, Gauchori, it will probably be a funny story you can tell your friends/family later in life- trust me.


Things will get better, and so will girls,


best of luck!

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