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You should NOT be in school with Mono!!!!! I can't believe that a Dr. says it's okay. If in the early stages you are contagious, if in the ending stages you are not BUT, if your body tells you that you are not ready for school, you should not be there. Ask your parents for a few days to stay home and rest....tell them you need to rest. Back when I was in HS I knew kids who were out for a week with mono. I hope you feel better soon!

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Mono isn't all that contagious, so I don't think you have to worry that much about giving it to others. It all just depends on what you feel up to, really. Some people are hit harder than others. I had mono for weeks before I realized I had it... was going to school, living in a dorm with roommates... none of my family members/close friends got sick from me.

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