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What does time mean to you?

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To me time is the great equalizer. Some say all they have is time. Some say they don't have enough time. Some say time is relevant. Some say it's not. Regardless of what you think 24 hrs is 24 hrs. No matter how rich or poor you are. No matter what country you come from. You can't have more time. You can't buy it. It's what you do with the time that you have that means all the difference in the world. We are here for such a short amount of time. What are you going to do with your time? It's time to make a difference. It's time to start living. Right here. Right now. This is the only time you have! Don't waste it. The moment you have just read is already in the past.

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I was productive again today at work. I also went to the gym. I looked into some CBT techniques and local charity work. I haven't stopped to recognize it until now, but though I've been allowing myself to suffer, I have been moving in a good direction all along. The buddha tells me that suffering is good to you in due time. I like that. My time will be due sooner than I realize... yours too.

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Not to be morbid, but I saw this amazing quote today from Steve Jobs. It’s really on point about the way we don’t take advantage of our time, and let things that really shouldn’t matter interfere with what we should really be doing. I wanted to share this with you all, to honor the guy who said it, and to encourage all of us to heal.


"Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life, because almost everything -- all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure -- these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important.


"Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart." Steve Jobs during a Stanford commencement ceremony in 2005.

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Quotes like those really challenge me these days. On the one hand, we should 'seize the day' and 'follow our hearts', but thats kinda what got me in position I'm in now, recovering from a broken heart. Beacon dropped a quote earlier that almost knocked me out, about living on hope leading to starvation or something to that effect. What do you think symbiot? And you Beacon? Is following our hearts wasteful? Or was Mr Jobs onto something?

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I'm reading a good book right now and, ironically, last night I reached a part of it that addresses time and the REALIZATION OF DEATH. To some this too may seem morbid but the realization of death is something we should probably address frequently within ourselves as it is (or should be) an incentive to stake your claim on beliefs and move along a path that will allow you to accomplish your goals and attain what you want and need in life. The inevitability of death should help you make your life more positive.


In response to your question, Gaffler, I'm think timing has a lot to do with following your heart. You have to know when to do it and I haven't been the best model for this. I don't know all the reasons my relationship wasn't right and probably never will, but the time wasn't right for me to be with someone forever. This has to be accepted.

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Oh poo-poo on you , Eocsor...trying to be a downer in our already downer life!!! lol


Maybe nothing can change our fate, but having others share in our down-ward spiral, somehow eases the pain.


Now let me wail......it's only been six months....how long can I continue.....do I have a year????

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