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Was i used as a rebound guy thing?

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I met a girl i used to hang alot with when i was younger, now i'm 18


We met and decided to arrange another meeting, and that we did


We had hung out for like 2 days and the third day she was leaving...


We were just chilling in my room, and i asked her if she wanted to go home or just stay here over the night, because it was like 4 am at that time


She wanted to stay


I, beeing the gentleman that i am decided to take the sofa and sleep in that and she could be in my bed


She asked me if i wanted to be in the bed with her, and since the couch was very uncomfterable and i really liked that girl i decided to go with her


We were just laying and talking, and we started cuddling....and then she kissed me on the cheek...and one thing led to another and we started kissing and stuff


Then, she leaves (it's like a 4 hour drive from here)


I decide to go to see her, and drove to that place and stayed there for a few days, and hung out with her alot


but there...she was like another person and she seemed rather distant


We didn't even talk about that night nor was it brought up


I'm not the most attractive guy, i'll admit but i was wondering if she was teasing or she was vunerable because she had broken up with her bf like 5 days earlier...


Now...i never made the first move...because i am a loser so i really don't know what to think


I've never felt like this about a person, because she is everything i could ever want in a partner


She admitted that she had a crush on me during our younger years, and i also had feelings for her then...and i still did when i first saw her




I've figured that there are a few options regarding this issue


1) She was feeling vunerable and needed a "helping hand"

2) She was teasing me

3) She likes me


Now...I have no idea what i am gonna do, but if she really likes me, i'd be ecstatic but im afraid that aint the case



I need your help please




The Fisherman!

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It's hard to say what she was feeling. I'm trying to think of times when I did that with a guy and then dogged him. If you guys had been drinking then she may have just been horny and needed a helping hand. Most of us have been there once or twice. And if that's the case, then she might regret it. She may be confused because she had just broken up with her bf and was on the rebound. It's hard to say what she's feeling. Have you tried to talk to her about that night and her feelings? That would be the best place to start to see where she's coming from. That would also give you an opportunity to tell her about your feelings.

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slow down big fella. hell, she might like you. don't blow your chance by being a puppy dog. so you say she's 4 hours away. i consider that a long distance relationship. all you can do is either make a move and take control of the relationship, or be her friend and wait for her, maybe forever, to come to you.


get in there. be assertive. no wishywashy stuff. girls want a man. if she doesn't respond well to your advances then forget her. i know it's hard but you won't be living with "what if." be confident, if she doesn't like you then it's her loss. don't let her walk all over you and use you to fulfill her emotionally.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hmm...I am thinking she either


A) Just wanted a friend to hold her during a difficult time

B) Sees in you everything her ex-boyfriend lacked and genuinely likes you as a nice alternative


Think about which one it might be...because I really have no clue! Maybe you should just ask her. Good luck!



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  • 1 year later...

Ahh...a thread revisited....how unique and intruiging!


Well, i can tell you guys for a fact that she did like me and she might still do...


She gives those weird vibes sometimes...like a gentle touch, kind words and things like "Aww, i missed you" and junk.....damn my word skills!



I know it's been almost 2 years now...but yet she seems to be the one i still think of if i'm lonely in the wee hours...



Im trying to get myself to unlike her...if that's even possible i do not know...



Been trying for more than 3 years.



I think the reason im doing that is to protect myself from any pain that rejection might follow and/or ruining the friendship we have



I've been thinking alot about this recently...she seems to be everything i want in a girl yet she's....in my mind that is....confused and not yet done exploring.


The main reason though is i think she's mentally unavailable to any long term relationship thus i am not willing to risk a golden frienship over such a thing.



Yet everytime i see her.... all i want to do is beeing able to kiss those lips of hers and call her "my gf"....how corny that sounds



I might be going on a rant here but sometimes it's good to unload some feelings, even if it's anoynimously and maybe get a few responses



My options are as follow


A) Try to forget about anything happening between us ( This is my current mode im in...so each touch, praise and encouragement i get from her is put in a "Wow...that was really friendly of her"-catagory )


B) Responding to every compliment with a "ohh, this is nice...i like her"-mode enabled and perhaps give her such subtle hins and touches


C) Do nothing and see what happens....



Now..i've already "lost" her for a year or so (she had a bf, imo a jerk) but she's over that guy...


Yarg.....life is a beeswax!

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Wait.. did you ever tell her how you feel about her?


I read your original post. I had a similar situation with a guy, and was distant with him afterward. This was because I really liked him, and I thought the fact that he didn't actually ask me out or tell me that he liked me meant that he was just using me for comfort or something.


So.. if she doesn't have a boyfriend, and you haven't told her how you feel, I think you definitely should ask her out or something. If your friendship is really that strong, then if you do eventually break up, you should be able to return to being friends. And even if you can't, it's probably better than spending your entire life wondering what it could have been like to kiss her.

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