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taking her virginity

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So my current gf decided to let me take her virginity after we've been messing around for several months.


I've had a couple partners but I've never been with a virgin before and while it seemed to go ok, we're both a little confused about what happened.


Basically, on penetration she felt a lot of pain and pressure, which you would expect, and then it didn't hurt as bad. But when it was over and I pulled out there was not a drop of blood on the condom or on her.


We did it again the next day, and she said the initial penetration was somewhat painful again and then got better again. But again, no blood in the least. How can this be?


I'm may not be the biggest guy in the world but it should be enough (about 1/4" shy of 8")..I would think surely enough to tear her hymen.


Do some girls just not bleed their first time?


And before anyone suggests she was lying, she isn't. I wont go into how I know, but assume she's not and I know that much.

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Not all girls have hymens by the time they have intercourse due to injury while younger (like landing on the top bar of your bike!), using tampons, or even because not all girls have full closed hymens (they come in various forms) to begin with!


I didn't, and had no blood my first time either.


So I would not even worry or think about it too much

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I didn't bleed, as far as I can recall (and if I did, then it obviously wasn't enough to traumatize me since I can'y even remember), and it only hurt a little--once I remembered to relax my muscles, it got easier.


And like RayKay said, not all girls grow to adulthood with their hymens intact.

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