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how to show him I love him and our relationship is important

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I don't know how to make my boyfriend see how much he means to me. He puts forth more effort in our relationship than I do and I want to do whats in the realm of possibility to put in more effort. A little background: I am a senior in college and go to school 2 hrs from home and my bf. He works full time and comes to visit when he has time, usually once a week for a few days. I've only gone home about 5 times this semester. I do want to point out that I have much more going on than he does-school, graduation, finding a job, I play NCAA tennis for my school, and work. I love when he comes to visit, but it's much more feasible for him to visit because he only has work and also a much more reliable vehicle. He's always put more work into the relationship, once taking me to Atlantic City though his car was broken and he had to get another car inspected, get tags, put it on insurance, and all that just so we could still go. This weekend my grandfather passed away and he was available whenever I needed him, even if it meant he didn't sleep for 36 hrs (which happened twice). I took advantage of that and he (understandably) is angry and thinks I don't put effort into our relationship. What can I do to show him how important he is to me? I need to show him that I do want to put forth effort and to show him how much I love him, plus thank him for being there for me this past weekend. HELP!

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To possibly help out with your question, I gotta say that I understand what it feels like to put forth much energy into a woman that I'm interested in or in love with only to receive back a tiny fraction of the attention, emotion or effort that I've given. And I all to well know the pain and frustration that sometimes comes along with that unfortunate understanding. I know that you don't give in order to receive, but when it comes to matters of the heart, this isn't my rule of thumb.


It's obvious your boyfriend wants more attention and effort from you in showing him just how much you truly do love and appreciate him. Sounds like he's, for a while now, gone out of his way to try to be there for you and to let you know how much he cares for you. Just tell him how much that meant to you in a face-to-face heartfelt conversation. It will mean so much to him to hear you say the words-- to hear that he is the person you cherish most and think of so dearly as you look into his eyes and tell him that you love him.


Open those lines of communication with your guy-pal. It's sometimes difficult to bring up conversations like this, but the rewards are indefinitely worthwhile. Hopefully, you will become that much closer to your boyfriend than you could imagine, and together you will be able to face anything that comes your way.


Try not to take your loved one for granted-- it hurts quite a bit and you could very well end up losing him over it.


Good luck to you, fellow-tennis player!!

(b/t/w - you'd soo kill me out on the court!)



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