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Facebook test.

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Maybe some of you have more in-depth knowledge than I do. I have been on my Facebook pg. And have seen my ex's profile pop up as "people you may know". I didn't even know she had a fb profile until after she left me for someone else ...so after it kept happening I decided to do a test. I had a friend who was not a fb friend look up my profile. As soon as he did I looted in and guess what? He was there 1min after he looked at my profile! So my natural inference is that if someone looks you up fb suggests that you may know the. I pose this for 2 reasons 1) am I wrong and can you prove it so I can know for sure (2) if you're thinking you're being sneaky and looking at someone profile and you don't think they know you may be very wrong. I'm just looking for in depth knowledge on how fb works.

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The "People You May Know" algorithm works by mutual friends, not by searches. If it were by searches, it would violate the whole confidentiality agreements FB is so "strict" about.


Facebook changes their policies so much, it is hard to keep track of what is and what isn't.

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Oh it also works by location, pages you've liked, networks, companies, schools, etc. And besides, imagine if you searched for a person that has a really common name like let's say, John Smith, would all the John Smiths be alerted or have your profile pop up on their "People you may know"? No. That'd be way too crazy.

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Facebook changes their policies so much, it is hard to keep track of what is and what isn't.


True but the idea behind this is pretty much the same idea that they use through marketing and google. Some people can track the visitors' IP address to a location just so they can learn about the population they're targeting. And also to know how much incoming trafficking is actually coming from a certain website. Someone was on here saying they found their ex googled them 800 times because of that.


So either way, if someone really wants to find out they can. The only solution is to not google them.

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I think that Facebook can hotwire people that you have on your email address list as well. Someone that you may have sent ONE email to years ago will pop up a "someone you might know" if they have used the same referencing email for their FB. It is a little unsettling how it can merge boundaries between groups of people without your permission.

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Hmmm.. Two related questions:

1. fb suggests my person's photo albums every freakin time. Not anyone else's (at least for a while..) just hers. It sucks. I am not on fb much - although lately I have been to post photos of a trip I'm on for all my friends who are on fb (they asked...). Because I'm not, we're still friends on fb, if that's a factor in any analysis a fellow tea-leaf reader might like to proffer.

2. I'm also on google plus. 9 times out of 10 it suggests I add her to my circles (both she and I joined + after she asked for NC, so we're not in each other's circles, but we do have mutual friends. She said she deleted my emails to her a long time ago; I haven't but we haven't emailed in months...)


I can't see anything of hers on + - at least the last time I checked which was a couple months ago, and I don't go to her fb page; the last time I did, about two months ago, it was lousy with photos of her and her new bf.


Anyway, while this constant reminder sucks in a way, it also gives (I know, probably, false..) hope. Ah.. Once this trip is over, so will my participation in social media be. It's evil.

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Yeah I wouldn't read into it. I'm a network engineer. It has that algorythm by mutual friends, email, tags, etc etc. It most likely was just cooincidence. It doesn't mean she's viewing your profile. Either way, you know it really doesn't matter bud. Just keep telling yourself it doesn't matter, and she's not on the pedestal I am. EVERY time you think about her say that three times. After awhile it starts to work.

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