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I just always wonder if there are guys out there who appriciate girls with a beautiful mind, do guys find it attractive when a girl is deep and filled with meaning, are there guys out there who look for that? If a girl says something very deep, how does it affect you..and do guys like having someone to talk to about their emotions and goals?

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Many guys appreciate gals that are deep. But that does not mean they always want to talk about their thoughts, ideas and emotions. Guys bond more by doing. Gals bond more by talking.


A son and a father go to a baseball game, talk baseball and why they like or dislike certain players. To gals, this father and son haev not shared so much. Guys, we understand they have shared a lot, a whole lot.

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I always wished that my ex was a little smarter...don't tell her that though.


I would appreciate a vast intellect...but if you're talking about one of those people that gets really high and starts one of those "how did it all begin, man?" or "did you ever stop and think about how big space is and how small we are?" conversations...then no. That would get on my nerves.

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do you know what...i would LOVE to date a girl like you.

soooo many girls i have met were all concentrating on their looks...whether or not they looked right...but that is all so shallow. while looks do matter...it just ain't that attractive... i think guys will be breaking through walls to get with a girl like you...you are a rare breed...don't give it up no matter what

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I think girls that are open minded and do like to express their feelings and have deep conversations with their boyfriend is a good thing. Obviously I can't speak for all the guys but personally I think a girl that can converse well with her partner and talk about the relationships, is something that will help her other half.

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hmm... I think most girls have this issue because they are looking for the wrong kinda guy. Such as, a girl wants a hot good looking guy that likes their emotional "deep" side to them. Typically however those guys are not like that simply because girls (that are ditzy and just want to play) go after their body.


Its simply the fact that if your good looking... typically you have gotten all the attention you need from the opposite sex, and you no longer care what they think.


Of course its an extremist view... but you can get my point. Not ALL people are like this, but I find it a rarity.


Simply the nerdy kid has spent more time on his own in his room thinking about life than that hot stud around the corner.



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Well, my boyfriend is extremely good-looking and he's constantly telling me how much he loves my mind and how intelligent and deep I am. And perhaps it's because he's an artist and is, thereforeeee, more in touch with his own feelings and emotions, but he loves to talk about and express those things. He's the most loving and nurturing person I've ever met.

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My girlfriend is the smartest person I know, and I know some really smart people so that's saying something. So to answer your question in short, yes. There are TONS of guys who like girls for their personalities, BUT... here's the long version.


Alright feel free to disagree with me on this one since I'm generalizing a lot with no proof to back it up, but when they're young (high school age), girls like the pretty-boy types. The atheletes, the famous guys, etc. During this time, the smart guys are busy studying and worshipping one of the pretty girls that's out of their league. In college, things start to change for some girls but many are still after the pretty boys, who have now become big beergulping frat guys (again, HUGE generalization) and the smart guys are still studying their butts off. Few years pass and after having their hearts broken by a bunch of airhead frat guys, they start to go the other way, and look at the smart guys.


I imagine a pretty sorority sister pondering on this in her head, "sure he's not great looking, but hey, at least I'll be the pretty one in the relationship!" and say what the hell. I can also imagine some nerd going through the idea in his head that even though she won't appreciate him he'll have a pretty mate, and going for it. But if you think about it in the long haul, the ONLY relationships that WILL work are the ones that aren't based on looks alone--because sooner or later everyone gets old and "ugly".


You're 60. She doesn't have her looks. You can't get it up. It's her mind you're going to want.


...or maybe your hot 22 year old secretary.


So yeah, not implying that you're not pretty at all (I'm digging my self in deeper and deeper...) but don't worry about it--a pretty flower may attaract a lot of bees but if it has nothing worth sucking on, the be won't stay for long.

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Not all attractive girls are ditzy and go after a guy just for looks.. guys hit on me all the time but that doesn't mean i'm going to even consider being with them..a girl being attracted to a guy is natural..but it's not enough..there has to be something more..i once went out with a guy whom i thought was extremly attractive, but then the next day people began teasing him on how a guy like him got a pretty girl like me..but i didn't care at all..because now i know that theres an intimate connection because i can see things in him that no one else can see..when it comes to beauty..you'll probably get bored of it in a short-time..but having someone that understands you and is interesting will last forever since a person grows and changes everyday..I don't care about what other people think if i find what i'm looking for i'm going to hold on to it..


Something in your eyes capture my soul."
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Guys bond more by doing. Gals bond more by talking.


that aint really true.. i bond more by talking to my GF and getting to know different things, she likes to be more "doing" as u say


You may be an exception, but it works for most of us.

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I'm not sure what you mean by a beautiful mind. I came accross some girls who are constantly making me feel important and I'm really relaxed around her. She does not find flaws in other people, and greets you with a smile as if they really appreciate your existence. Is that a beautiful mind? Btw, i really like this type of people


or are you referring to more the philosophical mind? If that's the case, then i think it's just a part of you and not really beautiful mind. philosophical people usually grouped with other philosophical people because philosophical issues is what clicks in a conversation. Their topics revolves mainly around 'life' while others about hobbies, sports, TV shows, cars, or even beers. I guess to some extent, most people don't value someone who makes you think about things that's not of the world. (ie. The Universe). But if you talk about something closely related to the other person and saying it at just the right time, you'll give them another perspective on what they often have to deal with. And I would find those people interesting to talk with.

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