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Hi folks! I just wanted to know if I should start looking for someone new or if I'm just over-reacting. My girlfriend of 8 months has recently started going to a new school and of course I'm worried she'll find another guy, she tells me she wont and she tells me she loves me, but lately she seems to be a bit more distant. And then she tells me "I have a lot of things I need to take care of right now, I need to see you and talk to you less because you distract me so much". The last time I had a girlfriend take "time off" I ended up a very lonely little man, so should I take this as a hint?

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It could be a hint, but if she said that you were distracting her I doubt it was another guy. If she was with someone else she would just start ignoring you or tell you flat out. Of course it could always happen, but I don't think that's the case RIGHT NOW. I would do as she wishes and back off.



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Why don't we young men stop letting women take us for a ride FOR A CHANGE!!! HUH???


I mean, enough of this, "I need distance" crap. If she tells you she needs distance....GIVE HER SO MUCH DISTANCE that she cant see you anymore. Be busy show her you don't need her.


Then we'll see who comes running back. Thats the thing about girls, they can launch missles straight for the heart. But the guys need to launch the nukes.

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Im sick of the words and quotes " Breaks " "Time Off" "Space" "Just Testing Things Out" and other choses of words... I Agree justtwicethen, you need to show her that she can't run you man. Women i swear think they can do that, they always think they run the relationship be like...next time she calls be all " im busy dont distract me "....yea and you might get somethin like an Anti Missle Defense System or somethin man

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It could be a hint, but if she said that you were distracting her I doubt it was another guy. If she was with someone else she would just start ignoring you or tell you flat out. Of course it could always happen, but I don't think that's the case RIGHT NOW. I would do as she wishes and back off.


You are such a considerate man and I believe you deserve a very good relationship


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Ok,...you are much too young to be worrying yourself with relationships...you need to be finding yourself and living your teenage life to the fullest. You are letting your insecurity get the best of you by automatically thinking that just because she is starting a new school she will find someone else...looks to me like you are pushing her away with your dependancy...you need to relax..be confidant and things will go your way.

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