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what does this mean?

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Well i don't know exactly where to post this, but the girl is my friend so i guess its best to put it here.


This girl and i kinda have a history. I met her a year ago and had a crush on her. Basically, i waited too long and by the time i asked her out she said no because she has a boyfriend. Later on i told her how i feel about her and she still turned me down. Afterwards things got back to normal and we're getting along really well as friends now.


Lately she's told me some things that are a surpirse coming from her. First, i asked her again about going out. She said we should be friends before going out. But she still has a boyfriend - i don't get it. Then in some emails she joked about us being together and how she wants me, stuff like that. This is unusual because we never talked about that stuff, thats not how we are. Last night, she said "why didn't you ask me out when we first met? I wanted you to."


She also said i got her in trouble w/ her boyfriend. He saw my name on her phone and saw she was reading an email from me. It apparently caused a huge fight between them, she said they almost broke up because of me. She's also asked me a lot of personal questions for no apparent reason.


My question is, why is she acting this way all of a sudden? What could be going on with her? We never talk about stuff like this. She's always been private about her boyfriend when talking to me. Now she's calling me more and actually wanting to talk. I'm thinking she's breaking up with him, but thats just an idea. Any thoughts? Thanks.

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well, i can see how u would be confused. did you answer her questions? mabye she has decided that she does like you but she wants to get to know you a little better. how well do you know each other? mabye you should ask her whats going on, explaining that you are a little bit confused on why all of a sudden she wants to talk all the time. and hey mabye she does want to date you. well, hope it all works out for the best.

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I believ that she is making the move of ending her relationship, and that she wants you to be there for her.. its kind of what happened to me when i broke up with my girl.. she left and started to talk to an old mate... u have good opoortunity, nut still make her aware of that you are confused

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well, i can see how u would be confused. did you answer her questions? mabye she has decided that she does like you but she wants to get to know you a little better. how well do you know each other? mabye you should ask her whats going on, explaining that you are a little bit confused on why all of a sudden she wants to talk all the time. and hey mabye she does want to date you. well, hope it all works out for the best.


We know each other pretty well, not too personally though. Last year i drove her home everyday. So we "know" each other but we aren't close or anything. If i ask her whats going on, would that ruin anything?


Another thing i forgot to add - i used to like her best friend and she knew this as it was going on. Recently she heard i'm still talking to her friend, so she keeps asking if i still like her and stuff like that.


Oh, in an email i told her i'd be there for her if she ever has problems with her boyfriend. She didn't say anything about it after so i think thats a good sign.


Should i play hard to get, or should i play along with her game? Should i act like i'm into other girls, or say i still like her? I'm not positive but i know something's probably going on here so i think i have a good chance with her now.

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im not sure if i would... it might push the door open a little bit if you know what i mean. it could let her kno that u still like her and want to date her, or it could open up the friendshipt to where u can start to become close. well that tells me that she does like u if she keeps askin if ur dating someone else. espically if its one of her friends...she could have asked her friend but instead she asked you. i wouldnt play along with her game completely but i also would play completely hard to get either. i would play a little hard to get and see where it gets you. mabye you should drop little hints that u still like her but not big ones. thats good i hope that something does get started with the two of you.

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Thanks strawberry_gashes17. Oh, i forgot to mention that she left me a voicemail today. I haven't talked to her in a while and she said "sorry for blowing you off lately... i've been having more problems with my boyfriend, thanks to you." But she wasn't mean or anything, it sounded like she was in a pretty good mood. I think she is up to something, because why else would she say that to me? This is the second time too, so i think there's a chance of them breaking up. But they've been together for 7 months i think, so i don't know. Thanks again.

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