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Expected first kiss

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Ok, so i have recently let my feelings out about a girl and i think we are on the brink of going out (see this topic for the full details link removed ). Well we are going away with some friends on Monday-Friday and i plan on making it really romantic to ask her out. But i have never had a girlfriend, so have never kissed a girl before.


Well, i want the first kiss to be extremely special and not to just feel like we should kiss because we are going out. So my question is: How do i make it a really special and eventful moment in our relationship without making myself look like a complete amateur and without putting pressure on her to make her think we should kiss?

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Hi GN,


To be honest I think you have to go with the flow on this one, if you try to hard to make it a special moment you could end up messing things up and looking an ameture.


Just play it by ear, if its gonna happen it will and if this girl is special to you im sure you show her that in many other ways apart from kissing.


Sure the 1st kiss with a girl can be worrying but after you have kissed her once you will be more relaxed and enjoy being close with her.


Hope I have been of some help, all be it my 1st kiss was many yrs ago


Gd luck



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Thanks for your honest help man. I guess your right. Too many cooks spoil the broth as they say (though im not sure thats actually relevant here lol). I shall wait and see how it all goes, i believe in fate so if its meant to be it will be.


Thanks again

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