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I dont know how to feel

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I have a friend named Brent. We have been friends for 3 years now. I have always liked him for more than a friend, and I know he does me too. I am involved with his friend. I know he's jelous and I am of his g/f too. Everytime I am around he acts like he loves me. He is always giving me signs but he is confusing me too. I mean, here lately we have been getting close. On tuesday, we kissed for the first time and I felt like I had the whole world. I felt so good. Now, I dont know how to feel because I feel he doesnt want to talk to me or be around me. Maybe he is taking his jelousy too far. I dont know what I should say if I called him. I care for him, but I wont beg him to want to be with me. I dont know if he doesnt want to be with me or not. He is playing hard to get. What do I do next?

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Hi. Have you talked to your boyfriend about this? How is your relationship with him, and how is Brent's relationship with his girlfriend? Have you and Brent talked about your feelings for each other at all? I think it would be in your boyfriend's and Brent's girlfriend's best interests if they knew what happened with the two of you -- it seems like stuff can't be all that great with the person you're involved with and his girlfriend if you guys have feelings for each other and have started to act on them. Since you and Brent have a long-standing friendship, maybe it's time for you to say, "Hey, let's try this for real" and leave the friendship in the past for something more. Have you thought about that? Or is it too important for you to stay with the person you're involved with -- since you're mentioning that relationship it must be at least somewhat important to you. It sounds like you're confused, wanting to reach out to Brent, but not sure if you should, or how you should. Chances are, he's having the same thoughts right now! You shouldn't be worried about his reaction, because you guys sound like you're in similar situations and since your friendship is so established you should be able to talk to each other. Good luck!

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This sounds very confusing to me too. You mention u have always liked him as more than a friend. Do you have feelings for your current boyfriend or he is just a cover up of your real feelings that u have for Brent. Are u using your bf as a stand-by realtionship?. Your bf should know at least the true. Be honest with people if you want people to be honest with you. Luck

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...at work in the world.


When I get them all figured out, I'll probably write a book or something.


That may take a while, and meanwhile, people need support.


If it hurts to play games, then quit playing them.


With games, there's always a winner and a loser, by definition.


When someone loves someone, they want everyone to win. That's what those great feelings are about.


Unfortunetly, we can be the only one capable of feeling them in a given relationship.


Let go of sex as a part of love. Go for the love, first.


To have love, be love.

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