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I need sum really good advice, and fast!!!

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Ok, me and this guy have been datin for almost a month but we have been talkin for like 3 months, well he was like the sweetest guy ever and i have fell so hard and so fast for him, well when we started datin he actually act like he cared about me and really liked me but here recently he starts tellin me thangs like im a dog and he says cheerleading is for nothin but dogs and there alwayz in the way, and well im a cheerleader and i take it very offensive, i cry over him every night and when i tell him nice thangs he never says nothin back & i do almost n*e*thang he asks me 2...whenever i ask him if he likes me he alwayz says he does, but i am beginning to wonder if he really does or if he's just using me, what do u think??...what if a guy treated u this way and u kno u couldnt give him up, what would u do??...plz help me!!!..im in desperate need cuz if i dont watch imma fall in luv w/ him!

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...it sounds like this guy has been teasing you and poking fun. But, given your feelings, it sounds like he's playing a little rough for you.


You should never commit to even giving a guy your phone number until you've subjected him to several opportunities to disqualify himself. You clearly have some needs that weren't made clear at the outset.


I also sense that you might be taking yourself, and this relationship, a little too seriously. You should be having fun and learning about who and what you are, to you, and what your needs are.


Always start by finding a safe, neutral place to talk, and then follow this rhythm: share-check-share-shut-up-and-listen.


When someone SHOWS you who they are for the first time -- believe them.

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You've only been dating this guy for a short time, yet he's already stopped giving you the attention you deserve? Let go now, let yourself heal and move on. You're better than that. The man you're meant to be with won't make you cry every night, and he won't degrade what you enjoy. Cheerleaders are unique people -- not everyone can do cheerleading, just like not everyone can do basketball or football or anything else. If this guy can't support you after 3 months together, chances are he's not going to be any better at it down the road. Sounds like he has a lot of insecurities he needs to go deal with on his own before he gets wrapped up in a good person like you.

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Damn you stupid. A guy treats you like that, disses everything you are and all that you like to do, and you need to ask a bunch of strangers what you should DO?!? DUMP HIM !! Have a little more self respect than what you are showing the world right now. You need to love yourself and forget this jerk who is treating you like a dog.

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