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update: anti depressants and facebook

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i forgot to take my anti depressant yesterday, and i have to say that i didn't notice a difference in how i felt. i guess it was just in my head that the crying and appetite got better because of it. however, i am going to continue to take it. maybe it just has to build up in my system.


good news about facebook: i found a way to PERMANENTLY delete it. i have been so temped to keep getting on since the BU, and it's painful every time i do. old pictures, friends, relationship status, etc. if you want to get rid of yours completely, google "how to permanently delete facebook," and there is a link you can click. it says that it should be removed forever within 14 days. i hope i can hold out that long without logging on.


P.S.: something that i did all of this past weekend was watch tv, and, ironically, there were tons of things on tv that were actually very uplifting in my situation. i watched "who the bleep did i marry?" on the ID channel, and tons of lifetime movies about failed marriages or romantic relationships. it kinda made me feel better, lol.


some good movies to watch if you're struggling with a BU: "Devil's Pond," "Unstable," and "The Craigslist Killer." there were many more, but i can't remember them all. it was good to see that, even though i have gone through a devastating BU, at least my ex fiance didn't try to kill me, lol.

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