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Attraction has disappeared after a year ?


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Is it normal, that the attraction to my partner has disappeared only after a year od being together? We are in a long distance relationship so I expected us to have lots of "honeymoon periods" when we see each other.


But the last time we were together I could feel, that a gread deal of chemistry, we shared before, was missing (from my side, only). Do you know, if it is normal in a relationships of 1 year, or does it means that we aren´t as well suited as I thought? This is the longes relationship I have ever been in, so I don´t have any comparable experience.


Is it possible to do something to make the situation better? I care for him very deeply.

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Attraction is difficult to maintain in a long distance relationship --- and truly, it's not the attraction, it is the feeling of connection. When you lose that, your partner automatically becomes less attractive....the love goggles are off. You can't wait on the times that you are together to stay connected; have to work on it inbetween.

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