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What's happened to me!

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Well, I have posted some other stuff on these forums and the people here seem nice enough so I hope you don't mind another maybe more complete post.


Well no one wants to hear this part but when I was a little kid I was a geek and no one liked me. Anyway as I got into highschool I started actually making some decent friends and we have always just had fun with each other. I don't even know what we did or how we did it but we enjoyed our time together. Then I was introduced to this girl. At first I wasn't attracted to her at all and she was just another friend. Then as the school year came to an end I started developing some feelings for her. She was gone all summer and we kept in contact va e-mail when we could. I guess I started dwelling over it though. When she came back we had some outting arranged but as it turns out she wasn't too interested in me. She said something along the lines of she was willing to give things a shot or something like that or get to know each other better, something I'm not really convinced she means and it seems she just wants a longer but less painful way out of things.


Well I hate myself for it but honestly since this I've been getting feelings like I am just not good enough and that I can't cut it. To a certain extent I've gotten jealous of some of my friends who have been through more than one girlfriend. I am happy for them no doubt, but I feel like I am inferior. And at the same time I admit I dwelt over it too much. She became the subject of much of my talking and when I eventually realized I needed to stop it became hard sometimes to talk to my friends, like I lost a connection. It might have just been getting back into the swing of things but still since she came back I am finding it an arduous job of having just talking with her. Maybe our feelings put a hamper on things, maybe it is the same and I expect more now, or maybe our conversation is sufficient but I just have some self esteem problems.


I don't even know what I am asking for here but, is there something wrong with me? Do I need to be a great conversationalist to get a girl? What can I do to keep her interest? I know she doesn't not like me as a person or something like that, but why aren't any girls interested in me as more than casual friends? I don't think I look appaling and I don't think I am the kind of guy who keeps talking about stuff people don't want to hear. I am more the type of guy who is quiet and listens to people and will throw in jokes every now and then. I have made an honest effort to be more social but I guess everyone is just capable of being just so social or just so confident. I know confidence is something I lack, and all my friends tell me it's what hooks a girl, but there has to be something I can do. I would really like to get this girl interested in me because I think she is a really cool person and of all people I know right now she is the only one I am interested in as more than a friend. People always say there are other fish in the sea but I think that is a very shallow outlook on things. How can you say you liked someoen if you just move on like that?



By the way, I know not all this post belongs in this forum, but it doesn't belong in any one forum so I thought I'd put it here because well, what I want more is some good conversation tips to help me out with this girl. Thanks


I'm sorry for the long post.

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hey man you're not alone, I also have trouble having convosations with girls. well its not so much that it's just whenever I'm around someone I like I always do stupid things, like be clumsy or forget things that were just mentioned. I've tried so many times to become more confident and less clumsy but it seems like the more I try the more clumsy I become. Any of you guys have any tips on how to become less clumsy and more confident? or is it just something you are born with? And also, theres nothing like watching a chick you like hooking up with your mate right in front of you ( even if they are going out )

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Yeah we were both quite clumsy when we went out, I think we knocked down at least 4 things together heh.


Thank's just the thing Francis, she told me she didn't think of me that way. But she gave all sorts of excuses like we have never been alone, and that when we go out it will be a test. Well I'm confused but she still talks to me so I guess at least she is still my friend. I just feel so bad that I don't really attract any girls. I think there has to be something wrong with me...

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