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Why is he being immature?

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Okay, so the school year is slowly approaching. I'm in college. I haven't contaced my ex in 4 weeks, but I am taking a class which I know he has the book for. I've also asked about four other people so I"m not just trying to contact him. I asked him via email if I could borrow his book, and he never got back to me. But I know he checked his email because I get sent an automatic messagewhen the person checks the email. He refuses to email me back. All my other friends sold back their books. The only reason I am writing him is because I would like to save 100 dollars if I can. Why is it so hard for him to write back a short note?


Even after he told me he was seeinghis ex girlfriend again, I let him borrow books for an important test that he is taking next year. Why is he being immature and not writing him back. I see him online all the time so its not like he doesn't have time to write!

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Hi Littlepea,

I think you're going to have to spend that 100 and buy your own book. In fact, I think you should. Don't call him anymore or email him. If he wanted to help you out he would have. He obviously has no intention of doing this.


The fact that you lent him your books says alot. He had a new gf and you were still gracious enough to lend him the books. Sometimes you can't expect the same in return. Either he is immature and ungrateful or he thinks you are just using it as an excuse to keep in contact with him.


Show him, and yourself, that you can stand up on your own. Buy your own books and stop being too nice to him. He's not your boyfriend anymore.

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I agree with Muneca. You will have to just buy your own book. Unfortunately, things have really moved on, and you really need to accept that. Perhaps now isn't the time that you need to contact him, if not at all-- even though you are really attempting to make things friendly and cordial, he clearly has either a) no interest or b) doesnt want to contact you for his own reasons.


I know there are a lot of online college book discount bookstores you can purchase some from... Might want to go that route, instead?

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thanks guys for the advice. I guess the reason I was confused was because I never thought I would be with anyone like that...someone who couldn't just return a simple email! Honestly, I'm not contacting him to just talk to him. I've emailed about five people for the book. Oh well. Thank you again.

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