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Is it wrong to get involved in a long-distance anything with someone who recently got out of a 5 year relationship 4 months ago?


A little back story: We've been talking for 10 weeks and at first it started with conversations surrounding her breakup and how to cope. Things progressed with ease and last weekend she made her way to NYC from VA. Now prior to her trip here we had no issues communicating what we felt..and after her trip I decided to give a little more of me and she decided to pull back because a friend of hers told her to take it one day at a time. I'm not against the slow-pace but now it kind of seems silly to pull back since we've shared so much more than feelings.


Me: Moving to MI to attend law school in 2 weeks. Single for about 3 years. Ready for a committed relationship.

Her: Recently single. Still has feelings for her ex. Lives in VA.



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I would say it is wrong to get involved with someone who is still trying to get over a breakup. Mostly it is a bad idea. Seems to me you are taking advantage of the fact that she is vulnerable.


I don't think it's the case since advances were made from her end at first...But I understand what you mean.

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Add me to the not wrong, but very risky column. If you decide to get involved with her, proceed with extreme caution. LDR are tough enough without other issues involved. The line you wrote that bothers me the most is this one "Her: Recently single. Still has feelings for her ex." You could end up being rebound or transitional woman. I would give her time to get her head on straight before you get involved romantically with her.

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Add me to the not wrong, but very risky column. If you decide to get involved with her, proceed with extreme caution. LDR are tough enough without other issues involved. The line you wrote that bothers me the most is this one "Her: Recently single. Still has feelings for her ex." You could end up being rebound or transitional woman. I would give her time to get her head on straight before you get involved romantically with her.


*sigh* Yeah...that's where we are headed I think. I don't know...We are gonna have a conversation about it later and I guess that will dictate where "this" heads...


Thank you for the advice everyone

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