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Should i contact to apologise even though i did not break up


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well me and my girlfriend of 4 months split on saturday she strung me along for a week then we met thought everything was ok slept together and in the morning she split up with me said she was un happy and didnt feel like she should previous to this she did ask for space which i respected.


anyways i work in schools and she is a teacher in one of them so when we did split i asked my boss if i could leave the school and he agreed so he went to speak to her boss which i didnt want as it blows things out way to much but couldnt be helped anyways her boss said she wanted me back after the summer so i told my boss id have to see how i feel.


I really loved this girl and the reason i asked to leave was time to heal and also so i did not see her for a while only for my feelings to flood back. My questions is now i feel if i do go back she and everyone there will think i blew everything out which i never wanted to do. I ve had some pretty bad breakups in the past one 6 years ago really hit me and i had a mini break down this is why i removed her number facebook and explained why i was doing this before i left


Now i feel like its me in the wrong when all i tried to do was be the best most understanding boyfriend in the world and make her happy


i mean the school wants me to come back after the summer not my ex and i did give her space this is when it all started previous to this it was amazing all mutual


Has anyone made you feel like you are in the wrong? And apologise to who?


The decisions that were made on you leaving were made between you, your boss and her boss and should have stayed that way and once the decision was made I expect that was as far as it went for them so I doubt it has been blown out of all proportion behind the scenes. I'm not sure you have anything to apologise for and if you drag the whole episode up again the only one likely to start blowing things out of proportion is you. I would leave things be if I were you. If you know they want you back then go in with you head held high and try not to mention it.


No one has made me feel like i was in the wrong just conscious that the school may think its a bit werid not coming in but im a stronger beleiver in NC seeing her again would be so hard even if it was briefly. I was going to appologise to my ex for having to drag work into it but i just thought before i never told anyone where she worked in fact i was professional when i was there she made that choice. I think i think about other people too much and their feelings and sometimes forget about myself i guess thats one lesson i need to learn thanks loads for your reply


Thats OK but to be honest I wouldn't worry what your school or your ex thinks. Those that know why you aren't there are the only ones that need to know. Other than that it is of no-one elses concern. I really don't think you need to apologise. However if you come accross you ex at work just be polite and try to act towards her as you would anyone with whom you work.


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