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Possibility for reconciliation


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I recently made a post about a guy that I was seeing for a couple months or so you may/may not have read. Well things seem to be headed in the direction of a reconciliation but I am not holding my breath upon it or keeping my hopes up to where I will be disappointed. He has been asking me to hang out a lot the past couple of weeks and seems to be more open than he ever was before the breakup. He's asked every day pretty much to hangout, just watching TV, playing video games, having great conversation and going out to eat a couple times. He also about a week ago started being affectionate towards me. Randomly kissing me on the forehead, wanting to be close to me, never pushing for sex, always respectful as he ever was. He brought up an issue he said he wanted to ask since he wanted to start hanging out again, I told him it would be fine if he asked. I didn't really give him a straight answer and told him that because I wasn't sure.


Later that evening I told him the reason behind my answer and had given him another reason and we began getting deeper into the topic. I basically told him how I felt sort of, I couldn't really communicate clearly what I was trying to get accross because I am not the greatest at communicating, but I've gotten a lot better at it. So the result was him seeming to be upset, even though he claimed otherwise. He would say things like I guess we'll just be just friends, no me touching you or being affectionate like I have been, just strictly hanging out as platonic friends before there's a problem. He also would say that I just don't want things to get complicated and he will make sure that it doesn't, etc etc. At this moment in time I'm thinking..wait what? Due to the miscommunication all this came out and I end up finding out how he actually feels. I tell him that I DO want complicated with him and I thought it was him who didn't want that, so we further discuss it a few moments more and he tells me that we need to just stop talking about this.


The next day after feeling bad by not communicating clearly and making him freak out because I wasn't being clear, I apologized. I told him that I'm sorry I made things confusing when there was no need to, and I was sorry I wasn't communicating clearly and that I'm not the best at it, and I"m sorry for that. Also apologized for not leaving something be the way I want it to and if I could make it all up to him and we have since then made up. Things are back on the track they were headed before that whole mess up of things. So now I'm just taking things a day at a time, keeping my guard up not letting all my emotions I still feel for him cloud my thinking and judgement. Not getting to affectionate, or too bothersome with texting him things I really didn't need to text, though I didn't do it much but I think it was enough, and what not which may have been the underlying reason he broke it off to begin with -- sensed I was becoming 'clingy?', I don't believe so but, I don't know and probably won't ever know -- I'm ok with that. Anyways, things seem to be going well and I hope things go to where I hope they will, if not? I'm back to where I was before he started wanting to hangout again. If he stops wanting to hangout I'll have my answer and I won't be in a bad shape because I didn't let my walls come all the way back down.

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