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My words of inspiration.


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Dear fellow dumpers and dumpees!


Let us all remember, we're living our own life. Who needs people in there ruining the moments we'll remember forever, let's not have some 'tard that dumped us ruin our time! Let's crack open a beer (Or your preferred drink) Toast to the good times in our life, meet a random online and talk about the steak you burned on the grill, or the fact you left the bathtub running and the floor's caving in underneath ya! Remember, it's our lives. No one should take that from us, not even the people who don't want to be a part of it anymore.


Sure, life is better spent with someone. No one wishes to die alone. But why do nothing while you're waiting for that "Special Someone". You're wasting valuable time in your life when you could be studying, learning to cook, watching a documentary on the mating cycle of some bloody lizard(yeah, i'd rather sit in the dark as well. Who bothers with those channels?)! We don't live forever, our lives and time should not be wasted on people who don't wish to be involved in that time!


I'll never drink again! I love you all!

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