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Change in Appearance

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A few weeks ago I posted about my weight problem (see )

Over the course of the summer I gained 150 lbs and grew 4 inches, but now I have gained 64 more lbs, so I am now 7 feet 2 inches and weigh 351 lbs. Now I am back at school and I was extremely worried about what people would say about me, since I was already picked on a little, I was really worried now. But what happened wasn't bad at all! In fact it was amazing. Within a few days almost everyone at my high school knows my name and I'm like the popular guy on campus. Lately I've been getting asked out by multiple girls that I didn't even think knew I existed. They have been fighting over me and telling me about how great I look, and that they like men with a little meet on them. The fatter I get the more people seem to like me, it's really strange. At the moment I'm still gaining weight, and I don't know why, but I like the way everyone likes me so much becuase I am putting weight on, its great. Now I have a question since I am already a bit obese for my height, I was wondering if you think I should start to loose some weight (or try even harder) or if I should keep my newfound popularity and my weight.

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You don't state your age, and I am not a medical professional, but your growth spurt might be above average. Have you consulted a doctor? There's probably nothing wrong, and it may just be your genetic make-up to have that kind of growth spurt (Did anyone on either side of your family experience the same thing? Are your blood relatives tall?). At any rate, a complete physical is never a bad idea.


I don't know that I'd purposely try to gain weight, unless you're talking like body-builder/muscle building type weight. If you go for a physical your doc can also suggest a healthy weight range for you as well.


I'm willing to bet your popularity has as much to do with your personality as your appearance. Your appearance may attract initial attention, but if you're not a decent person, other people won't want to be around you very long.


best of luck to you,


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That sounds like a serious amount of weight, and altho it might be making u popular, for long term health reasons u should cut back.


I am unsure how u can possibly gain 150 pounds over the course of summer. 3 months, 50 pounds per month, 1.666* pounds per day (based on 30 day months), that aint possible. Typo?


Anyways, like i said, for health reasons u need to cut back. Your 7" 2, and don't mention your build (muscle wise), but being a big chap your gonna weigh a bit. But i suggest u at least try to lose 50 pounds and get back to 300 pounds tops, but suggest u try to get back down to 250.

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ummm, well 2lbs a week is quite hard to do.. I am trying to gain weight im 150lbs right now trying to go to 175.. but anyway.. You grew 4 inches well dude, you went through a serious growth spurt.. Just exercise and watch what you eat.. check with your doctor make sure yoour all good..but 7'2 350lbs... sounds about right..

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