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how should i act? what should i do?

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my ex and i have have gone out for about 2 years and we broke up about a month ago. she wanted to have no contact with me until we got back to school which is in a few days. she instant messaged me a week ago asking what i was up to and when she was going back to school, i responded casually. yesterday she emailed me the exact date of when she was going. i did not reply to the email. i want to know how i should act or what i should do when i talk to her. she broke up with me b/c her mom doesnt approve of me(not because of how i treat her but more or less my ethnicity) her mom tells her that she shouldnt be commited right now she should to see other guys, she is gonna transfer to another school( just a few hrs away no biggie for me i can drive to see her when i can) and she wants more guy friends. so since she broke up with me i am still confused about which one is the real reason or maybe a part of all of them is real. the breakup caught everyone by surprise even her sister was surprised. things between us have always been GREAT but her moms disapproval of me really gets to her. i am also wondering what she thinks about other guys as well. i am her first serious bf and even while we were goin out guys hit on her and emailed her for dates n stuff, i did not act jealous or let it bother me cuz i know she loves me, but does she miss all the attention a single girl gets? maybe shes bored of me? i just dont know what to say or how to act toward her once we talked in a few days. we will have not seen each other for a month. need sum advice of what to do

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let me be blunt. sucks that she broke up because her mom says so. if she really loved you, she wouldn't have. it hurts to hear i know. girls are a different creature. i think she's keeping in contact with you because you guys had a history together and all she is basically looking for is attention. girls love attention. plus the fact she's going to a different school, she's gonna need somebody to give it to her, and that's you.


so what can you do? my advice is to be this guy who is confident with himself. i know it's hard and you want to show her how much she has hurt you, but seriously, girls will look at that as a weakness. let her know, nonchalantly of course, that you've been so busy having fun. she needs to know that she's been missing out of all the fun because she's not with you.


be strong. you're the man in the relationship. if it don't work out, then it's her loss for losing such a great guy. that's the way you should carry on and constantly try to better yourself so one she'll regret dumping you. and who knows, maybe she'll be back or you'll find someone better.

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