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what if NC is IMPOSSIBLE! Advice please!

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Just quickly, broke up last week. WOuld like to have no contact for several reasons that have been suggested already, but in two weeks we go back to law school together, which means I'll see her every day, all day.

I would very much love to get back together with her cause I think we hold potential. She inspires me, but she's a commitment-phobe.

How do I give her a chance to miss me if she'll see me everyday anyways? I don't want to ignore her or seem to aloof, but not always available to her either. Advice would be much appreciated!

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Keep your head up and enjoy things when you are around-- she isn't going to respond if you appear morose. Act as if you are having a fine time without her, and if there are other girls in your law school class who are available, ask them out, talk to them in school, etc.

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that makes sense, cecelius. I've tried in the past to stay friends with exes and it seemed like i put in all the work to approach them to chat or even say hi. Eventually, one ex (who did the dumping) even started ignoring my presense. So in this case i made it very clear the she has to put in the effort to stay friends. I thought I would use NC to clear my head and have her initiate things. To prove to me that she wants to stay close friends. But since we start classes together soon, it seems like it'll be too easy for her. It's just not fair when the dumper gets everything they want in the end!

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I have one more week..........

Just thinking about how I'll feel seeing the ex in class again.

I know he'll try to talk to me and try and stay friends, but since I'm attempting to do the NC thing, I don't know what to do! It's way too much work to try to avoid him, and little casual chitchat is just sometimes insulting! How do I go about this!?!?!?!?!

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Just confused - is your ex a he or a she? Either is fine of course, but I am just confused since in your first posts it was she/her, in your last it was he/him!


As I said it does not really matter, though sometimes girls and guys think differently at different stages in life, so it would be better to know!

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