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I guess I am just pathetic

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Danny, thank you for this response....it really gave me an eye opener.....and I am going to accept your challenge.....I am going to do my best to go a week and see how I feel after that.....I need to do something different...because as everyone has said what I am doing isnt changing anything or making me feel better....


Today is day 1 again.....I want to be able to get up tomorrow and say it is day 2!!!!!

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Don't worry, not too many people can go straight to no contact. Its so hard to do because we feel like we can change peoples minds becuase in our mind our relationship was so perfect. I talked my ex a while back to try harder and make this work. Well now 1 year later I am back in the same spot. We tried to make it work and it didn't. This time around I went right to nc and haven't looked back. I still cry some nights and think about her all the time, but its nothing compared to that first day. Get that first day over with. I know the uphill battle and the no end in sight thought is intense at first, but take it one day at a time first, then 1 week, and hopefully soon 1 month at a time and this jerk will be in your rearview mirror.

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Why is Day 1 so hard......and yes, I know by contacting him it just leads me back to the beginning....I just hate feeling this way, like if I say something, anything it will make him change his mind and miss what we had....This is the worst break-up I have ever had and I feel so stupid because of my age.......seems like the older I get the worse it is to be alone.....


Sorry just ranting....trying to keep myself from breaking down once again......I need support......I really do...

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I am so tired of going from okay to upset.....I am at the point now that I wish and pray that he would please contact me, even to just be hateful or whatever, I hate the wave of emotions that I am going through....just want to be normal, if that is possible...."sigh"

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...hi, I’m absolutely feeling your pain. I'm a complete mess. Feel absolutely exhausted.... unfortunately i will have to live in the same house for another 6 weeks due to having children so I’m kind of stuck in a perpetual day 1 whilst being happy and smiling for children’s sake.


Stick with me and I’ll stick with you.

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