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am i too young?PLEASE ANSWER SUM1!!!!!!!

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well i think it is too much of an age difference because shes an older girl and girl grow faster than boys so even though she is only 4 years older than you its actually like 5 to 6 years because of how much faster they grow than you. however i dont have any room to talk because when i was 14 i dated an 18 year old senior when i was a freshman... so it was the same age difference but not as much of a difference in maturity.(i was a VERY early bloomer though also... i started puberty when i was 11-12)

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Bleh, a toughy here. I don't see the age thing as being that much of a difference, but her being the older one may cause trouble. As long as you're just like "friends", even if you do date or whatever (still real weird), it shouldn't be bad. If you start messing around though... I think that is crossing the line at that age.



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Here's what I think. I'm very much an advocate for the "age doesn't matter" movement. But I think at your age it still does. Age doesn't matter when you're older because the maturity level in both genders begins to even out. But since guys mature about... what? Two years slower than girls? Really you're looking at a 6 year age gap as far as maturity. That is assuming she's not behind. Anyway, I think for your sake that you should stick to girls your age for a bit longer! Good luck!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Im sorry to say this but at this point in time the age gap is too big. I cant be sure but this girl probably sees you as a cute guy who is great to talk to but not boyfriend material. It may suck but the truth is this relationship wont work but who knows, maybe if your still friends in a few years it might.

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she proly sees you as a lil bro she never had, so drop it and move on trust me you will meet more girls later in life plus your life is only jus beginning live your life as a kid for right now dont worry bout dates and gfs you will get to do all that stuff soon the heart brakes the fights you dont want to go through you wont fined "the" perfect girl now so enjoy your childhood as much as you can for now. but having girls as friends is kool it will get you expirienced in wat you would want in a girl.

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Well....its going to be natural for you to have feelings for girls at what ever age you are, especially now your getting older.

Your been very mature about this and thinking about this relationship so thats good.

All I can suggest is you go for it, and if she's the right one so be it!

if not well you will find the perfect someone!

good luck!

laura x

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  • 4 months later...

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