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guys, what do you like??!

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hey everyone. i really need some help. okay, my bf went on vacation, and hes coming back like realllllly soon. his birthday was on the 31st of july, but i just dont know what to get him!! he turned 15...and hes not exactly one of those sentimental kinda guys. and hes a guy. i mean its not like jewellery or flowers or NETHING will do lol. i just want to know out there for guys around that age, what would you appreciate?? i have a few ideas in my head, but i would really like to know about gifts you have received that you really liked or something. i plan on spending about $40...also we've been dating for 8 intense months, how much should i spend?

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it doesnt matter on what you get him as long as he knows that you care and really honestly its the thought that counts trust me. Try get him some boxers or something that he would use alot or something that will remind him of you it all depends on what kind of guy he is.

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From experience, Pocketknife. No joke. Very good gift to give a guy. He'll put it on his keychain which he takes everywhere, reminding him of you all the time. And a pocketknife/swiss army knife is very manly, so he will be proud to display it, showing his macho side and emotional side simultaneously. If you want it to be really special, get it engraved with a little message. The one I carry with me says "Love Kaylee 2004". Something simple like that. Cost ranges from $10 to $200, depending on how high quality and how many tools you want on it. Go to Sears or Canadian Tire and pick one up. Colour is also important, go with red or black, no matter how much he may like another colour that the store may offer.

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hmmm....pocket knife never even thought of that...it sounds good, just i would never picture something like that for him. well he loves bball so i was thinking to get him a nice bball and movie pass or something. something he could use and would like. i dont want to get him clothes, hes pretty picky about his clothes. he does like colonge, so i was thinking to get him one, but i think its not really personal. and right now with back to school a gift certificate he could use but it would have no sentimental value at all. but the pocket knife...i gotta think about that one now...the thing is our school doesnt allow em and stuff...like it might be a hassle for him to keep it on him all the time. but thats nota bad idea, thanx. i would appreciate anymore feedback, as well about the bball and movie pass thanx!!

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Colognes a great idea, if you do, get a nice brand. I wear Hugo Boss, and all the girls love it 8) . Maybe get him some nautica or whatever you think smells good.


The Basketball idea is really good, i dont even have a hoop, and i would still love to get one. A knife isnt really a good idea these days, unless you know he would for sure like it. He cant carry it at school, and it sounds kinda weird to say "my girlfriend got me a knife for my birthday".


Just get him somethin personal, if u were about 2-3 years older id just say get him a box of condoms but i dont think that would work rite now

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ahh, thank you red, thats what i needed an honest opinion. ya i know the knife thing is nice if you know the guy would like one. as well i was thinking hes kinda young for one. so ya...now ill decide between the bball or colonge, thank you very much. i was just wondering if either was tacky. see, he lives right next to the courts, and i know him and his friends play, but i dunno if he has his own ball or not. and i heard a nice one is about $25-30. so i figure ill just add a movie pass cuz theres this one theatre he likes to go to with his friends. but ya i was just wondering if it sounds a little tacky....so hopefully it isnt lol. but that makes me feel a bit better. and about the condom thing, well...it was for our six month i kinda let the physical go a little further, but not sex sex ofcourse, too young. but ya i sorta already went as far as im gonna go for our 6 month anniversary. but ya, again, anymore ideas are totally welcome, i would love to hear about anything that most of you really thought was sweet or something. because, honestly as a girl, it just feels like theres almost nothing that is a for sure deal when it comes to gifts for guys.

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