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Why are some people so hurtful


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It seems like I am surrounded by people who just try to make others feel bad. I wonder if they do it so that they may feel better in themselves.


Why do people go out of their way to hurt others feelings?


Why do some people prey on others vulnerabilities?


Why should it be a good thing to step on others just so you can reach the top?


Is it all worth it?

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This takes time, but you have to remember, it truly is all about them. It has nothing to do with you. They are emotional vampires. I'm going through the same thing with my sister. I've had to limit my time with her because all she does is try and put me down. No relationship is worth that. I also have a crazy person at work that is so miserable, he/she goes after anyone at any time. I used to think it was personal (well, partly it is...she jealous of my wonderful life...which I made for myself) but it's really all her. Disengage and walk away if at all possible. They know what buttons to push because they put them there....

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25thfloor I have to assume that these people are miserable people to be acting the way they do too. Only someone truly miserable would try to hurt someone else for the sake of feeling good or better right? Right? It has to be that. I cant imagine how cruel someone would be to just do those things for fun.

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That's exactly right. And today's society seems to think if we figure out why they do the things they do, we will have a better understanding and therefore feel better. I disagree. I don't care why someone is like that...step up and take care of your mental health and stop trying to bring the rest of us down. they are miserable. and sometimes the best thing to do is stay away.

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It seems like I am surrounded by people who just try to make others feel bad. I wonder if they do it so that they may feel better in themselves.


I can understand feeling happy when other people feel bad, because then it feels like you are better off than someone. Some people feel this way (schadenfreude.) But I can't understand actively MAKING someone else feel bad in an attempt to make yourself feel better. To do so is an act of pure desperation. I have a feeling the people in your life who do this are desperate for the tiniest crumb to provide themselves with a feeling of warmth - drinking gasoline to keep warm. But what's the fun in winning a game by cheating? None.


It's not worth it.

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But what's the fun in winning a game by cheating? None.


It's not worth it.


That's exactly what I say. I don't understand why they are the way they are. I guess it all boils down to one's self image. Feeling threatened because you feel inadequate?

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