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Well i have this boyfriend and well we've broken up and gone out like 5 -7 times already... i like him alot ....but it seems that no matter what i do or who i go out with i always like at least one other person.. i mean ik i have my boyfriend but idk i always like someone else.. i guess im jsut very boy crazy...i dont know.......i just wanna know what i should do.. should i stay with him and just live with the fact i like other ppl ... or break up with him and live the single life?... he really likes me alot to i guess but i dont know im just very confused... please help...

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hey, i was the exact same at your age really! i wish i could go back and apologise to the guys i treated badly cos i just enjoyed flirting with every guy and basically dir-regarding the feelings of my boyfriends! anyway you are young and probably just keen to experiment with flirting and stuff. its not like you are guy crazy, its just that all this stuff is relatively new and exciting. be honest about your feelings with your b/f, don't cheat or do anything behind his back! you should perhaps try just being friends with guys for now, take things slowly and enjoy being single. you are young so enjoy it.

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omgGg reading that eamil was sacryyy i no exactly wat your sayingg.. i went out with this guy 7 times.. and i mean we realllly felt sumthing for each other.. but i alawys liked sumone else.. no matter how much i liked him.. and sumtimes it was like.. 3 other guys..adn then i was sacred cuz i was gettin too close.. but i say u should forget about this guy.. and u you really really like him.. its probally better.. before u guys fall fer each otehr bad.. cuz it suxs to fall fer sumone when ur in like.. grade 9.. i learned that.. and now i really miss him.. and i thoght it was impossilbe to get over him.. but its bin about a month now since out last break up..a nd im doin a lot better..have fun with dating while you can.. boys now dun even want a serious realtionships.. save the big raltionships fer grade 11 er 12 welll thats all i have to say.. hope it helped a littleee.. and o yah.. im ur age too..loL..

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