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What should i do?


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Heres the story. Theres this guy at work who i like. I haven't known him that long but he's cute and got a great sense of humour. He's just my type and i'm really into him. I have no idea though whether he's even considreed me as potential dating material.


We chat and he makes me laugh a lot, we muck around a bit but i seem to find myself initiating most of the conversations. He's always interested to talk to me but he's such a nice guy he's always interested in listening to everyone. We don't get a lot of time to chat at work as we work in a nightclub and i never see him outside of thsi environment.


I'm too shy and scared to ask him out or anything. I considered getting one of my friends to let him know subtly that i'm interested but don't know if thats a good idea or not. I don't want to create an awkward environment. I know i should probs just go with the flow and see how things pan out but i'm too impatient and really do like him, plus i don't know how much longer i'll be working there.


Any suggestions on what i could do would be appreciated!

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female to female advise,


We know guyz willnt do anything unless we step up to the plate. I think tr to flirt more with him see what his response is. If he doees it back to you. keep doing it. Do you know if he has gf? This is the first thing you should found out bc you dont want to get more attach when he is already with someone.


I honestly dont see problem having one of your friends going up to him and telling to him about you. But i think guyz loves it when female can just go after what they want.


if you really do like him you will and should go after him. bc if nothing happens there is always more fish in the sea.


good luck

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Hi Tahlia,

I don't think it's a good idea to ask him out or send him a message with a friend. If he likes you, but isn't sure yet you are going to put him on the spot. Do you really want to do that? You know guys love the chase--why ruin the fun for him?


What is wrong with being a little patient? If he does not come after you then maybe he was not interested in you that way ( but at least you didn't embarrass yourself by asking him out and getting turned down) I would also worry that since you are the one who is initiating the conversations--is he just being polite? Or is he really interested? So keep flirting with him, but let HIM be the one who initiates most of the conversations.


A few years back I worked with this guy who was constantly flirting with me, but I didn't pay much attention. For one: he was younger (8 yrs) and second: he looked like a model. I thought --No way! When he stopped working there, I figured he was gone. Well guess what? He dropped by about a week later and asked me for my number. We dated for 2 years.


Just goes to show you that when a man wants you he will go after you. Even if it looks like you are not going to see him again in your life. So be a little patient and see what happens.

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