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Do men tend to send first letters as a copy-paste for a lot of women?


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Sometimes I get so beautiful letters at my dating site mail. But I find men not so attractive, so I just delete their letters after reading and not reply anything. Most of them are very short, some are longer. And I feel some kind of guilt for not replying them.


I have heard that men tend to copy-paste their first letters to a lot of women (jut to throw a bait), and if 30% of them reply then they begin to correspond in normal way. Is it true?

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I don't know the statistics, but what I know is, that I type all the mails myself. Heck, I don't even have a profile on a dating site, I type them on behalf of my friend, because he's too shy to do it himself. And i don't expect any reply really. It's just for fun. On a more serious note and away from my moment of attention seeking and putting myself on pedestal in previous sentences. I guess that some men do, some don't. You'll never know unless you find the exactly same or slightly modified message somewhere else.

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I had a date with this one guy on his strategy on messaging girls. He pretty much told me that he usually send the same type of 1st email/response to several girls and usually the percentage of girls who respond is pretty small. It is known that guys are more aggressive when it comes to online dating. Of course, I always take the initiative and email the guy first. I do get some weird emails that I usually look at it and say...is this spam? If you dont take an interest or you feel that something is weird about the 1st email, then I would just delete it in my opinion. I usually respond to guys who says the casual, hi how are you or who actually looks at the details of your profile and asks about it.

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Some friends do have these ready "first emails" and even "2d" and "3d" that they may slightly modify and send, like mfan said above; I would copy and paste these parts about myself if I'm sending out a few emails at a time (but I won't save it for later use), either you write each message word for word, copy some parts or have a ready template; usually an average guy would get 30 to 50% responses, you can't blame a guy for trying, usually average looking guys don't receive first emails from girls and they have to try hard to get noticed.

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