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I can't seem to get a good nights rest and feel good in the morning. Even if I go to bed early I tend to wake up way too early in the morning and I still feel like crap. It's very frustrating for me to always have dark circles around my eyes and feeling tired all the time. I get roughly 6-7 hours of sleep a day. I want to bring it up to 8 or 9. I have tried using Tylenol PM and even Melatonin but it doesn't help me get the required sleep.

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Oddly enough, i am somewhat having similar issues. I dont know what is causing it, but i have a doctors appointment next week to discuss it. I wake up almost half way through the night, parched as ever. Shortly after i am able fall asleep again. Trouble is, it disrupts my REM sleep. Which is a considerably bad thing for recharging your batteries.

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These have worked for me:


I'm not sure if you have a regular workout routine but at least 20-30 minutes of physical activity a day does truly help with better sleep.


Also, try tart cherry extract with soda water 2 hours before bedtime.


If that doesn't work, try pumpkin seeds because they have tryptophan in them which aids with sleep. For example, take 1/2 cup pumpkin seeds, 1/2 cup milk and 1 Tablespoon Honey and use a blender. Drink 2 hours before bedtime.


You could also try meditation 20 minutes before bedtime as well because it will help relax you. Focus on deep breathing and keeping the room dark.


Hope this helps

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It may be moot since you say you feel bad, but 8-9 hours of sleep per night is too much, according to some sources. 7 is healthy, I've heard even 8 may be too much. The issue is that you feel like crap...


do you ingest caffeine?

do you drink enough water?

do you eat heavy meals before bed?

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