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Whats up with these scary dreams im having?

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I dont know if anybody has had dreams like mine, its where im sleeping but then i start to feel something evil on my back,its evil and powerful. I try to wake up and open my eyes but it keeps drowning me into sleep,its like I simply dont have the strength to wake up,sometimes i succeed in waking up and sometimes i dont.


This happens every twice a month and it feels as if something wants to take over my body at times...and i get ill alot from tummy problems to eye problems...it just never ends. I pray alot and every night before I sleep but it seems I get no protection from God or angels. I even light incense in my room so I dont know why I still have these scary dreams. Last night i dreamnt that i was having this dream and i heard my mums voice calling me and i tried to wake up but couldnt. I really hate these kind of dreams and wish it would go away,it feels pure evil.


Anybody else have these dreams and what to do to get rid of it?

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