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need some help with decision, not sure what to do, acne/med.

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I was previously on proactiv and it did alot of good for me. But about 4 weeks ago i was put on Differen GELL, and doxycycline. Well i started using Differen on entire face, but it seemed to not work at all. The doctor told me to use it for 8 weeks, and if it didn't work i should see him again.


Well i waited about 3 weeks and decided to use proactiv again on my forehead and chin, meanwhile using differenin on my cheek area. WELL, the the chin and forehead cleared up. But the cheek area is stil red and is barely getting better. Im not sure if i should wait for the full 8 weeks or just use proactiv again. I used proactiv and after a week it cleared up the stuff differen couldn't, so you think i should just use proactiv and drop differen.


I think the doxycycline takes like months to work so im gonna use that for a while as a combination therapy. BUT what should i do. ITS only been 4 weeks but it seems like DIFF. gel JUST isnt working at all. What should i do guys?? HELP

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Firstly, make sure you're seeing a decent dermatologist!


If the -cyline and -tetracycline antibiotics aren't working for you, then you'd be hard pressed to find an antibiotic that does. Also, differin is strong stuff.


I was in exactly the same position as you and after many weeks on minocyline and differin (benzamycin made me all red and puffy!!!) my dermatologist put me on 6 weeks of Roactuane @ 40mg/day, then after that 10 weeks @ 65mg a day. I actually stopped taking the stuff of my own accord three weeks prior to the end ot the treatment because it had worked so well, and I had dry lips for nothing!


This medicine is great, you ought to ask about it. I believe its function is to do with slowing the production of sebum and in turn killing the bacteria that cause the acne.


I was so impressed with this medicine. The side effects are generally having dry lips (so one must Vaseline!) and possible a bit dry on the inside of the nostrils. I was on my makimum does of 1mg per kg body mass, and this was all I had. I had very bad acne on my face, chest and back; it is now completely cleared after 13 weeks on Roaccutane!


One thing I would advise you not to do is look the medicine up on the internet; it receives a lot of bad press which I certainly don't believe is right. Speak to a dermatologist about it, the will be able to tell you much more about it than some psycho with a grudge against the medical industry!

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i actauly have an appointment with the dermotoligist on september 8th, my first one for that matter. If Diff. doesnt work they will most likely put me on accutane. How long does it take acuutane to work anyways?


And is differen gell worth the wait or what?????? You guys think i should go for another 4 weeks or what. It seems when i put it on, my skin looks better but in the afternoon and later it looks a little worse and you can see more blemishes. So, should i stick to it?

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you think becuz it doesnt work after 4 weeks it wont work well at all??


im using proactiv and differn at same time, u think maybe both the medications are somehow cancelling eachother out?? or maybe im just being paranoid.


If i go to derm i should try to get on acutain or ROaccutain, any differenance between the 2??


fortnight, thas night right? 8)

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