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I cant get close to people

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ok well heres my problem i have a problem making friends i can talk to people but then it kind of stops and were not close enough to be friends but were not strangers i think its because at school ive had the same friends since year 8 and i kind of forgotten, it is really bad at work like this and its annoying because i have no one im friends with as such, i also might be changin schools next year so i dont know what im going to do



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Hmmm. I used to have that same problem. I think Meagan could be right - low self-esteem can make it pretty hard. Some kind of confidence block that makes you a bit self-conscious, maybe? That thing that makes you conscious that you're having difficulties searching for things to say... Do you ever feel like you're coming accross as boring, even though with your closer friends you know you were capable of talking about stuff? Sorry if I'm way off track, I'm just going by my own experiences, so um, humour me ^.~


Conversation can be tricky if it's with people you don't really know too well - the first thing to do is look for common ground. Once you've found that, it's easy. ...Just sometimes it's really elusive O.o


And sometimes it's a good thing to be in a situation where you don't have to do all the talking. Or if there's something you're actually doing, to take the focus away from direct conversation a bit. Like, er, I don't know, a game or pool or something. Just an example. Then that'll actually give you something to talk about, and eventually whatever mental barriers are there will relax and conversation should get easier.


Sorry if that was a load of rubbish. Feel free to ignore!!

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