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bad advice you received thread

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when my ex broke up with me this is some of the things i was told.


best friend


so i called my best friend after the break up and told him i was heart broken. this is what he told me.

1 man this sucks. your going to be heart broken for a while.your going to do some stupid things. like take a road trip to visit her. or your going to think about suicide when your by yourself.your going to drink. and do some crazy stuff



my mom

if you cant be her bf right now be her friend stay friends with her until she gets a bf. that way you can move on.


i love my mom and she is a good person lol i just never thought she would say something like that. and my best friend well he was in month three of a break up. but yeah that was bad advice.

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"Pull yourself together!"


When I worked for the Samaritans, we had a light-hearted-but-not-exactly-joking set of Commandments. The first one was "Thou shalt not tell callers 'Pull yourself together'".


But how many people actually do just that, thinking that they're being helpful?

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After receiving the unsolicited news that my ex not only was seeing someone new, she had in fact been seeing them before she dumped me:


"aw don't be depressed! Plenty more fish in the sea."




man i hate when people tell me this. its like yeah but right now im not up to go fishing lol

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Why I shouldn't be a vegetarian:


Meat was good enough for the good lord when he was on this earth, it should be good enough for you!


I was speechless.


I respect that you are vegetarian but that advice really is hilarious.



"The only way to get over someone is to get under someone else."


(I did NOT follow this terrible advice...)


not only is this bad advice I was given as well but that the person I should get under to get back at my ex was his brother...um no!


After receiving the unsolicited news that my ex not only was seeing someone new, she had in fact been seeing them before she dumped me:


"aw don't be depressed! Plenty more fish in the sea."


yeah this sucks too as well as people telling you not worth it just move on..right cuz it's soo easy to just ignore those feelings isn't it....grr




From my own mother who told me to stop being stupid and go to a party where my ex would be with the new * * * * * and go flirt with his brother, and flaunt myself around there so everyone knows he was stupid for leaving me for her...um people already think that but thanks mom...I am most certainly not a flaunt myself type of person. I get anxiety when I see her with him so that's how she thought I should deal with that. I found that slightly insensitive but that's how my crazy mother just is. (it makes more sense if you know my mom)

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"The only way to get over someone is to get under someone else."


(I did NOT follow this terrible advice...)


I think it's not always terrible advice. As long as you have the right mindset. Don't do it to get over the ex, let that be a side effect. Do it cos you're horny. Of course I think it is way more applicable to men, since they can dissociate sex with emotions.

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My therapist after my first big break up (we were together for 5 years and she left me for my best friend) told me: she'll definitely come back to you...I've seen it happen time and time again.


Thanks for the hope buddy...it's been 4 years now...WHERE IS SHE? Not that I would ever want to get back with her at all but still. Do not give people false hope like that.


This current girl I've been told the whole "stay her friend' crap and "get under someone else" "go out there and party and bang chicks". All horrible advice.


I can't even talk to my mom about it because all she says is "christ man, you were only together for 3 months..man up and get over her". I always hated hearing "screw her man, she isn't worth it. Why would you want to be with someone who doesn't want to be with you...it's her loss". Yeah, her loss..sure feels like that. She sure did lose out since i'm the one who is heart broken and she is the one who is already in a new relationship...sucks for her..i shouldn't have been so hard on her.

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I can't even talk to my mom about it because all she says is "christ man, you were only together for 3 months..man up and get over her". I always hated hearing "screw her man, she isn't worth it. Why would you want to be with someone who doesn't want to be with you...it's her loss". Yeah, her loss..sure feels like that. She sure did lose out since i'm the one who is heart broken and she is the one who is already in a new relationship...sucks for her..i shouldn't have been so hard on her.


LOL! Sorry, that was funny. Try to remember that it is more the fact that your ego got a big blow, because she found someone else. Mine has too, after 1.5 years and living together, and she finds someone (her coworker, ugly dude and a loser) after about 3 weeks but probably had her eye on him before? don't know don't care.they're both omegas while i'm alpha...hmm. I personally believe in the end we'll be better off. They obviously aren't self sufficient, and have no sense of identity, instead they constantly need to find themselves in others and never actually see the people they date as individuals. They're losers man. Weak human beings. Weak and pathetic...and will never lead fulfilling lives. Ugh...getting angry now.

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"Forget him, go and get yourself a real man".


Yeah, cos it really is that simple. Not to mention I thought I already had!!


Haha Ive had this "go fall in love with the real thing" Yeh ok what do you think I thought I was just doing for 16months...

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“Next time, go for someone who isn’t so good-looking but someone who’s kind.” – My Mom


Lol, I can’t really help who I’m attracted to though initially, if they happen to be jerks right from the get go I obviously wouldn’t have let it get past the first date.

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