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I want to be physically hurt.

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Hello. For a while now, I've been wanting to be hurt physically. I self-injure and you think destruction to my body on my part would be enough, but I don't know... I've even had a dream about it a while back and I'm thinking about it more and more. I don't want it to come from a family member, but I want it to be a male. I don't understand why I want this and I can't recall hearing anyone else talk about something like this. Does anyone have any ideas? Have you heard of something like this before?



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I've started seeing a counselor recently, so hopefully I will be able to get her advice on this soon. The strange thing is, I have never really been abused. (i know many who self-injure have been.) my father has anger problems and sometimes yells or breaks things but never touches me...



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its got to be a phase because i know exactly what you mean, i have only suffered abuse once but i was never actully hurt, just pushed up against a wall, well theres more to that but its your topic not mine, anyway i always want to be hanging from chains or something or get into a fight, its weird. sometimes i think of being punched. when im asleep i have dreams of shooting myself and as soon as i pull the trigger i wake up.


well i dont know...its a weird feeling.

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You should definitely bring it up with your councilor, I'm sure he/she will be able to hlep you, or at least point you to some one who can. If you need want to talk about it, you know you can always talk here as well. And pleas don't act on these feelings, I think the last thing any of us want to see happen is for you to get hurt.


Best of luck to you,


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  • 1 month later...

Yeah, I've felt the same. I've never been abused, ever. The closest thing to abuse I've experienced is my father hitting my sister and breaking stuff. I'm not certain, but I think (for me, anyway) it has to do with my cutting and depression. I think about being beaten up and bullied constantly ... I think it's something like .. I wish I had been abused, or was being abused, so I could justify my cutting and depression.

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  • 1 month later...

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